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学中文只需这七步!Learn Chinese in ONLY 7 Steps 汉语学习技巧/方法/步骤分享

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学中文只需这七步—Learn Chinese in ONLY 7 Steps:
✸STEP 1:拼音 , pīn yīn , Pinyin
✸STEP 2:笔画 , bǐ huà , Strokes
✸STEP 3:偏旁部首 , piān páng bù shǒu , Radicals
✸STEP 4:词汇 , cí huì , Vocabulary
✸STEP 5:句型 , jù xíng , Sentence Types
✸STEP 6:标点符号 , biāo diǎn fú hào , Punctuations
✸STEP 7:文章 , wén zhāng , Articles;故事 , gù shì , Stories;对话 , duì huà , Conversations

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金融词汇【房贷 fáng dài】How to Write Mortgage in Chinese 中文财务知识 House Loan 房屋贷款 住房抵押贷款 按揭贷款

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房贷(fáng dài)是“住房抵押贷款”的简称。住房抵押贷款是银行为保证贷款的安全,把借款人的房地产、有价证券及其他凭证,通过一定的契约合同,合法取得对借款人财产的留置权和质押权而向其提供的一种贷款。

Fangdai (fáng dài) is the abbreviation of “housing mortgage loan”. Housing mortgage loan is a kind of loan provided by the bank to the borrower in order to ensure the safety of the loan. The bank transfers the real estate, securities and other certificates of the borrower through certain contracts to legally obtain the lien and pledge of the borrower’s property.

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Learn Chinese【猎头 liè tóu】Headhunter / Headhunting Company 寻找高级人才的人/公司 Chinese Job Search 中文求职

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猎头,意为物色人才的人,是帮助优秀的企业找到需要的人才。这个词另外的说法叫做高级人才寻访。“头”指智慧、才能集中之所在,“猎头”也可指猎夺人才,即发现、追踪、评价、甄选和提供高级人才的行为。这是一种十分流行的人才招聘方式 。

Headhunting, meaning someone who looks for talent, is about helping excellent companies find the talent they need. Another way to say this is high-level talent search. “Head” refers to the place where wisdom and talent are concentrated, and “headhunting” can also refer to hunting for talent, that is, the act of discovering, tracking, evaluating, selecting and providing high-level talent. This is a very popular way of recruiting talent.

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写汉字【不婚不育 bù hūn bú yù】No Marriage, No Children 年轻一代不结婚也不生小孩 How to Write Chinese

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不婚不育(拼音:bù hūn bú yù),是指现在中国年轻一代迫于生存压力,选择不结婚也不生小孩的社会现象。

Not getting married and not having children (pinyin: bù hūn bú yù) refers to the social phenomenon that the younger generation in China now chooses not to get married or have children due to the pressure of survival.

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职场中文【跳槽 tiào cáo】Job Hopping 换工作 Changing Jobs in China 学中文 How to Write Chinese 学写汉字

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跳槽(拼音 tiào cáo),原指牲口离开所在的槽头到别的槽头去吃食。今比喻人离开原来的工作,另谋高就。

Job-hopping (pinyin: tiào cáo) originally refers to livestock leaving their trough to eat at another trough. Today, it is used to describe people leaving their original jobs to seek better opportunities.

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学中文【失业率 shī yè lǜ】Unemployment Rate 找不到工作的人占劳动人口总数的百分比 Learn Chinese

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失业率, 是指没有工作且在积极找工作的人(除了小孩,老人,不能工作者)占劳动人口总数的百分比。公式:失业率% = 失业人数 /(在业人数+失业人数)%。

Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of people who are unemployed and actively looking for work (except children, the elderly, and those who cannot work) in the total labor force. Formula: Unemployment rate% = Number of unemployed people / (number of employed people + number of unemployed people)%.

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