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商务中文【质检 zhì jiǎn】Write Quality Inspection in Chinese 中文怎么写-质量检验 Learn Chinese

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Quality inspection, referred to as “quality inspection”, is also called “technical inspection”. It is a quality management method that uses certain inspection and testing means and inspection methods to determine the quality characteristics of products, and compares the results with the specified quality standards, so as to make qualified or unqualified judgments on products or batches of products.

Its purpose is to ensure that unqualified raw materials are not put into production, unqualified parts are not transferred to the next process, and unqualified products are not shipped; and to collect and accumulate data reflecting the quality status to provide information for determining and analyzing process capabilities, supervising process, and improving quality.


Checking is the most basic function of quality inspection, which can also be called quality assurance function. This function has existed since the emergence of quality inspection. Even in the future when production automation is highly developed, the means and technologies of inspection have developed and changed, and the checking role of quality inspection is still indispensable. The production of an enterprise is a complex process. Factors such as people, machines, materials, methods, and environment (4M1E) may cause changes in the production status. It is impossible for each process to be in an absolutely stable state. The fluctuation of quality characteristics is objective. It is actually impossible to require each process to guarantee the production of 100% qualified products. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to implement the control function through inspection. With the continuous improvement of production technology and the perfection of management work, the workload of inspection can be reduced, but inspection is still indispensable. Only through inspection and strict control, can we ensure that unqualified raw materials are not put into production, unqualified semi-finished products are not transferred, unqualified parts are not assembled, and unqualified products are not shipped out, so as to truly ensure the quality of products.

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