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Learn Chinese【校服 xiào fú】School Uniform 学校规定的统一样式的学生服装 How to Write Chinese 汉字书写

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校服(拼音:xiào fú)是学校规定的统一样式的学生服装,中小学学生普遍穿着。校服最早起源于欧洲。学校为了规范管理,统一的着装。

School uniforms (pinyin: xiào fú) are uniform student clothing prescribed by the school and are generally worn by primary and secondary school students. School uniforms first originated in Europe. In order to standardize management, schools have uniform clothing.


Generally, students are required to wear uniform clothing during major school events. Generally, school uniforms have the school emblem, which directly affects the school’s image. In daily school life, wearing school uniforms can show students’ energetic and vibrant side, and is also an exclusive symbol of students’ youth.




A school uniform is a uniform worn by students primarily for a school or otherwise an educational institution. They are common in primary and secondary schools in various countries and are generally widespread in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and much of the Americas, but are not common in the United States, Canada, and most countries in continental Europe.

An example of a uniform would be requiring button-down shirts, trousers for boys, and blouses and pleated skirts for girls, with both wearing blazers. A uniform can even be as simple as requiring collared shirts, or restricting colour choices and limiting items students are allowed to wear.

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