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《小壁虎找尾巴》☀️Little Gecko Looks for Tail 学读中文儿童故事书 Chinese Story Book

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“Little Gecko Borrowing Tail” is a popular science fairy tale. The text uses anthropomorphic techniques to tell the characteristics of several animal tails through the story of little gecko borrowing tails from small fish, old cows, and swallows. The article made us realize that we should not always think about other people’s help when we encounter difficulties. Only through hardships can we gradually grow.


The full story of “Little Gecko Borrowing Tail”
The little gecko caught mosquitoes in the corner, and a snake bit its tail. The little gecko broke his tail and ran away.
How ugly without a tail! The little gecko wants to borrow a tail.
The little gecko crawled and climbed to the side of the river. He saw the little fish wagging their tails swimming around in the river. The little gecko said, “Sister Xiaoyu, can you lend me your tail?” Xiaoyu said, “No, I want to use my tail to poke the water.” The little gecko said goodbye to Xiaoyu and crawled forward.
Little gecko borrows tail
The little gecko crawled and climbed to the big tree. He saw the old scalper grazing with his tail under the tree. The little gecko said: “Uncle scalper, can you lend me your tail?” The old scalper said: “No, I want to use my tail to drive flies.” The little gecko bid farewell to the old scalper and crawled forward.
The little gecko crawled and crawled under the eaves. He saw the swallow flying around with its tail in the air. The little gecko said, “Aunt Yanzi, can you lend me your tail?” Yanzi said, “No, when I fly, I have to use my tail to control the direction.”
The little gecko couldn’t borrow his tail, and felt sad. He crawled and crawled, crawling home to find his mother.
The little gecko told his mother about borrowing his tail.
Mother smiled and said, “Silly boy, turn around and take a look.”
The little gecko turned around to take a look and exclaimed happily: “I have a new tail!”

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