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移二代学写字【水源】Write “Water Sources” in Chinese – 雨水Rainwater/井水Well Water/自来水Tap Water

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Types of Water Sources , 水源的类型 , shuǐ yuán :

Rainwater , 雨水 , yǔ shuǐ 。
Well Water , 井水 , jǐng shuǐ 。
River Water , 河水 , hé shuǐ 。
Seawater , 海水 , hǎi shuǐ 。
Tap Water , 自来水 , zì lái shuǐ 。




Water source is the general term for the source of water and the region where it exists. Water source is the source of life, an important intermediary for the transmission of matter, information, and energy, and it is an irreplaceable resource for living organisms on the earth’s surface. Water sources mainly exist in areas such as oceans, rivers and lakes, glaciers and snow-capped mountains. They are updated through atmospheric movement and other forms. Water source is a precious resource that human beings cannot do without engaging in production and living activities.

Water is the source of life and the indispensable material basis for people to survive. If people don’t have water to drink for a day, why do people have plenty of energy? Potted plants that have been scorched by the sun for a day cannot be irrigated with water. How can plants get green leaves? So water is closely related to our daily lives. Since water is so important in our lives, it is necessary for us to prevent pollution and waste of water from the source.

In daily life, the phenomenon of water wastage on some construction sites is more prominent. Often, several taps are unscrewed constantly, allowing the tap water to flow continuously; some irresponsible people turn on the taps all night. Water rushes out, and these water waste phenomena are not uncommon. The pollution of water sources is also more prominent in our city. Some citizens living on the banks of rivers and rivers lack proper civic ethics. For a short-term convenience, they often throw away some domestic garbage in the rivers; some people also throw away used pesticide bottles and herbicide bottles. Don’t we feel that protecting water sources and conserving water has reached the point where it’s urgent to just throw it away in the river?

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