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学中文【时间单位】⌚️Units of Times in Chinese 学写汉字 second秒/minute分/hour小时

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Units of Time , 时间单位 , shí jiān dān wèi 。
second , 秒 , miǎo 。
minute , 分钟 , fēn zhōng 。
hour , 小时 , xiǎo shí 。
day , 天 , tiān 。
week , 周 , zhōu 。
week , 星期 , xīng qī 。
month , 月 , yuè 。
quarter , 季度 , jì dù 。
year , 年 , nián 。

时间单位,是7种基本单位之一,长度、时间、质量、物质的量、光照度、电流 和(热力学)温度 是七种基本单位。现时每昼夜为二十四小时,在古时则为十二个时辰。当年西方机械钟表传入中国,人们将中西时点,分别称为“大时”和“小时”。随着钟表的普及,人们逐渐将“大时”淡忘,而“小时”沿用至今。

The unit of time is one of the seven basic units. Length, time, mass, quantity of matter, illuminance, current and (thermodynamic) temperature are the seven basic units. At present, every day and night is 24 hours, but in ancient times it was 12 hours. When Western mechanical clocks and watches were introduced to China, people called the Chinese and Western time points “big time” and “hour” respectively. With the popularity of clocks and watches, people gradually forget the “big hour”, and the “hour” is still in use today.


The time unit is the basic unit used to measure time. It is arranged from largest to smallest as millennium, century, year, year, quarter, month, ten-day, week, day, hour, hour, engraving, character (used in Guangdong in southern Fujian), minute , Seconds, milliseconds (ms), microseconds (µs), nanoseconds (ns), picoseconds (ps), femtoseconds (fs), attoseconds (as), zep seconds (zs).








Historically units of time were defined by the movements of astronomical objects.

Sun-based: the year was the time for the earth to revolve around the sun. Year-based units include the olympiad (four years), the lustrum (five years), the indiction (15 years), the decade, the century, and the millennium.

Moon-based: the month was based on the moon’s orbital period around the earth.

Earth-based: the time it took for the earth to rotate on its own axis, as observed on a sundial. Units originally derived from this base include the week at seven days, and the fortnight at 14 days. Subdivisions of the day include the hour (1/24 of a day), which was further subdivided into minutes and finally seconds. The second became the international standard unit (SI units) for science.

Celestial sphere-based: as in sidereal time, where the apparent movement of the stars and constellations across the sky is used to calculate the length of a year.

These units do not have a consistent relationship with each other and require intercalation. For example, the year cannot be divided into 12 28-day months since 12 times 28 is 336, well short of 365. The lunar month (as defined by the moon’s rotation) is not 28 days but 28.3 days. The year, defined in the Gregorian calendar as 365.2425 days has to be adjusted with leap days and leap seconds. Consequently, these units are now all defined as multiples of seconds.

Units of time based on orders of magnitude of the second include the nanosecond and the millisecond.

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