Inflation generally refers to: under the condition of paper currency circulation, the currency supply is greater than the actual demand for currency, that is, the actual purchasing power is greater than the output supply, resulting in currency depreciation, which causes the phenomenon of continuous and general price increases over a period of time.
In macroeconomics, inflation mainly refers to the general rise in prices and wages. The antonym of inflation is deflation.
There is an essential difference between inflation and general price increases: the latter refers to the price increase of one or several commodities due to the imbalance of supply and demand. The increase is local, temporary, and reversible, and will not cause currency depreciation; inflation can cause a country’s currency to depreciate, and the price increase of its main domestic commodities is universal, continuous, and irreversible.
Causes of inflation: In Keynesian economics, it is believed that changes in total supply and total demand in an economy lead to the movement of price levels; in monetarist economics, it is believed that when the amount of money issued in the market exceeds the amount of money needed in circulation, paper currency will depreciate, prices will rise, and purchasing power will decline. This theory is summarized as a very famous equation: MV=PT.
Looking at the theories of different economic schools, whether monetary expansion will bring inflation depends mainly on the money creation model. Fiscal money supply generally pushes up inflation, while private sector credit money supply generally pushes up asset prices. From 1930 to 1980, the broad money and inflation levels in the United States grew simultaneously, with an average growth rate of 6.9% and an average inflation rate of 3.2%. From 1981 to 2019, the broad money in the United States continued to grow, but the inflation level declined, with an average growth rate of 6.0% and an average inflation rate of 2.8%.
Inflation has always been highly concerned by macroeconomic policy research and the capital market. It has an extremely important position in the analysis system of the economic situation and the capital market, and is also closely related to the direction of monetary policy.
Deflation (abbreviated as “deflation”) is an economic concept corresponding to inflation. It is a phenomenon of severe insufficient effective demand, continuous decline in general price levels, continuous decline in money supply and economic recession caused by the reduction of money supply relative to economic growth and labor productivity. When the amount of money in circulation in the market decreases, people’s monetary income decreases, and purchasing power decreases, leading to falling prices and deflation. Long-term monetary deflation will inhibit investment and production, leading to higher unemployment and economic recession.
Deflation can be divided into relative deflation and absolute deflation according to the index value; it can be divided into mild deflation, moderate deflation and severe deflation according to the degree of impact on the economy; it can be divided into insufficient demand deflation and excess supply deflation according to supply and demand. Economists usually classify deflation into four types: 1. Debt deflation proposed by Irving Fisher; 2. Monetarists believe in monetary supply deflation; 3. Credit deflation proposed by Ben Bernanke; 4. Liquidity trap and insufficient effective demand proposed by Keynes.
Historically, the United States has experienced several typical deflations, and the one with the greatest impact on the economy occurred during the “Great Depression” from 1929 to 1933. During this period, US prices fell by 227%, the amount of money decreased by an average of 10% per year, the number of banks decreased by 42%, and the real GDP fell by 30%. Since the international financial crisis in 2008, deflation and economic downturn have increasingly become new problems facing the world economy, and deflation has had various negative effects on economic life.