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学中文【逃学 táo xué】Truancy 无正当理由不去学校 How to Write Chinese 如何学好中文的秘诀分享

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Truancy means that students leave school during normal class time without the approval of the school. The phenomenon of truancy often occurs in so-called “bad students”.







However, “truancy” is very popular in college classrooms nowadays, which is very similar to the meaning of “truancy”, that is, they do not want to attend classes and try their best to leave the classroom.

Truancy rate

Recently, the Middle School Student Psychological Information Collection and Analysis Center conducted a psychological information collection on some middle schools in Jiangsu Province around this topic, collecting 3,674 samples. The survey results show that 53.38% of students have never had the idea of ​​truancy, and 67.5% of students have never had the idea of ​​running away from home; 88.9% of students have never been truant, and 94.7% of students have never run away from home. Most students have a clear understanding of the possible dangers of truancy and running away from home, and 67.8% of students believe that running away from home is dangerous. Most students have good adaptability to school, study, and tutoring. However, some of the survey results must also be given enough attention.

When asked, “Have you ever thought of skipping school after entering middle school?”, the percentage of students who answered “sometimes” or “often” to have the idea of ​​skipping school was 0% in the first grade of junior high school, 8.4% in the second grade of junior high school, 7.6% in the third grade of junior high school, 27.7% in the first grade of senior high school, 20.9% in the second grade of senior high school, and 31.6% in the third grade of senior high school. The percentage of students who admitted to skipping school was 1% in the first grade of junior high school, 6% in the second grade of junior high school, 6.4% in the third grade of junior high school, 11.6% in the first grade of senior high school, 17.5% in the second grade of senior high school, and 18.54% in the third grade of senior high school. The higher the grade, the greater the percentage.


According to the survey, 38.83% of students who skipped school went to Internet cafes to chat and play computer games; 10.58% played with friends; and 14.1% of students wandered around alone. Only 9.86% of students stayed at home. This has sounded the alarm for our parents and educators. When asked, “What are the main reasons why students run away from home?”, 37.2% answered “too much study pressure”, 36.9% answered “conflicts with parents”, 9.45% answered “being criticized by teachers”, and 5.7% answered “influenced by friends outside of school”.

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