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中文网络流行词【躺平 tǎng píng】Passive Resistance 消极反抗 How to Write ‘Lie Flat’ in Chinese 汉语俚语

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Lying flat and lying flatism are Internet terms that have become popular in mainland China since 2021, referring to the attitude of young people that “instead of following social expectations and persisting in struggle, it is better to choose to ‘lie flat’ and have no desires or demands”. The specific connotations of lying flat include “not buying a house, not buying a car, not falling in love, not getting married, not having children, and low-level consumption”, “maintaining the minimum living standard, refusing to become a machine for capitalists to make money and a slave exploited by capitalists”.


小说家廖曾虎将“躺平”描述为一种消极抵抗运动,《纽约时报》称其为中国新兴反主流文化的一部分。它也被比作“大辞职”,即大约在同一时间在西方开始的辞职浪潮。中国教育部下属机构国家语言资源监测研究中心将这个词列为2021年中国互联网上最受欢迎的10个模因之一。中国搜索引擎搜狗也将这个词列为 2021 年最热门表情包榜首。


“安静辞职”这个短语,意思是只做工作要求的事情,不做其他事情,在 2022 年在美国流行起来,被认为是受到了“摆烂”运动的启发。另一个较新的相关短语是“摆烂”(中文:摆烂;拼音:bǎi làn;字面意思是“让它腐烂”),意思是“积极接受恶化的情况,而不是试图扭转局面”。基本上,它指的是自愿放弃追求某些目标,因为个人意识到这些目标实在太难实现。

Tang ping (Chinese: 躺平; lit. ‘lying flat’) is a Chinese slang neologism that describes a personal rejection of societal pressures to overwork and over-achieve, such as in the 996 working hour system, which is often regarded as a rat race with ever diminishing returns. Tang ping means choosing to “lie down flat and get over the beatings” via a low-desire, more indifferent attitude towards life.

Novelist Liao Zenghu described “lying flat” as a passive-aggressive resistance movement, and The New York Times called it part of a nascent Chinese counterculture. It has also been compared to the Great Resignation, a surge of resignations that began in the West at roughly the same time. The National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, an institution affiliated with the Education Ministry of China, listed the word as one of the 10 most popular memes for 2021 in the Chinese Internet. Chinese search engine Sogou also listed the word at the top of its list of most trending memes for 2021.

Those who choose to “lie flat” may lower their professional commitment and economic ambitions, simplify their goals, while still being fiscally productive for their own essential needs, and prioritize psychological health over economic materialism.

The phrase “quiet quitting”, meaning doing only what one’s job demands and nothing more, which became popular in the United States in 2022, was thought to be inspired by the tang ping movement. Another newer related phrase is bai lan (Chinese: 摆烂; pinyin: bǎi làn; lit. ‘let it rot’), which means “to actively embrace a deteriorating situation, rather than trying to turn it around”. Basically, it refers to a voluntary retreat from pursuing certain goals because individuals realize they are simply too difficult to achieve.

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