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职场中文【跳槽 tiào cáo】Job Hopping 换工作 Changing Jobs in China 学中文 How to Write Chinese 学写汉字

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跳槽(拼音 tiào cáo),原指牲口离开所在的槽头到别的槽头去吃食。今比喻人离开原来的工作,另谋高就。

Job-hopping (pinyin: tiào cáo) originally refers to livestock leaving their trough to eat at another trough. Today, it is used to describe people leaving their original jobs to seek better opportunities.

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Learn Chinese【工资单 gōng zī dān】How to Write Payroll in Chinese 学写汉字 Teach Chinese

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Payroll, also known as salary settlement slip, is a voucher issued by the company to employees. The voucher lists the employee’s salary, bonus, allowance, absence deduction and other information. Payslips are basically issued once a month. In some cases, the payslip is made in triplicate, with one copy issued to the employee, one used for verification by government regulators, and the other kept by the company itself.

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Write Chinese【加班 jiā bān】Work Overtime 九九六 Chinese for Beginner (Entry-level)

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加班(work overtime)是指在法定标准工作时间以外,正常工作日延长工作时间或者双休日以及国家法定假期期间工作,称为“加班”。

Overtime refers to working beyond legal standard working hours, extending working hours on normal working days or working during weekends and national statutory holidays, which is called “overtime”.

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职场中文【升职加薪 shēng zhí jiā xīn】How to Write Chinese 办公用语 Promote to a Higher Position & Increase Salary

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升职加薪 (shēng zhí jiā xīn) 是人力资源学科名词,该词指的是职位晋升薪水水平提高。


Promotion and salary increase (shēng zhí jiā xīn) is a term in the human resources discipline, which refers to an increase in salary level as a result of job promotion.

[Promotion] refers to the process of employees moving to a job that is more challenging, requires greater responsibilities, and has more authority than the previous job. The professional term for promotion in the workplace is promotion.
[Salary increase] refers to an increase in salary.

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