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工作中文【绩效考核 jì xiào kǎo hé】How to Write ‘Performance Review’ in Chinese 中文教师 Chinese Tutor

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绩效考核(Performance appraisal),是企业绩效管理中的一个环节,是指考核主体对照工作目标和绩效标准,采用科学的考核方式,评定员工的工作任务完成情况、员工的工作职责履行程度和员工的发展情况,并且将评定结果反馈给员工的过程。常见绩效考核方法包括BSC、KPI、360度考核等。绩效考核是一项系统工程。绩效考核是绩效管理过程中的一种手段。

Performance appraisal is a part of corporate performance management. It refers to the process in which the appraisal subject uses scientific appraisal methods to evaluate the completion of employees’ work tasks, the degree of fulfillment of employees’ work responsibilities and the development of employees in accordance with work goals and performance standards, and then feeds back the appraisal results to employees. Common performance appraisal methods include BSC, KPI, 360-degree appraisal, etc. Performance appraisal is a systematic project. Performance appraisal is a means in the performance management process.

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