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学中文【打折 dǎ zhé】How to Write ‘Discount’ in Chinese 打九折 (10% off) 打对折 (50% off) 商场促销手段

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A discount is a sale at a reduced price based on the original selling price. The discount indicates the percentage of the actual selling price to the original selling price. Note: 10% of the original selling price, which is 90% off; so 20% off means that the actual selling price is 80% of the original selling price.

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学中文【包粽子 bāo zòng zi】How to Write Making Rice Dumplings in Chinese 偏旁部首 (包字头, 米字旁)

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教中文【亲(戚)(朋)友】How to Write Chinese Characters 偏旁部首 (立字头,又字底) Visit Relatives & Friends in China 走亲访友

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亲戚朋友,relatives and friends,拼音读qīn qi péng you,意思是亲人、朋友及姻亲关系等人。出自《红楼梦》。



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汉字教学【饮料】🍹Write “Drinks” in Chinese – Fruit Juice果汁/Milk牛奶/Coke可乐/Coffee咖啡/Tea茶

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Drinks , 饮料 , yǐn liào 。
Fruit Juice , 果汁 , guǒ zhī 。
Milk , 牛奶 , niú nǎi 。
Coke , 可乐 , kě lè 。
Coffee , 咖啡 , kā fēi 。
Tea , 茶 , chá 。


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【方字旁】Chinese Radical of Square 和旗帜、军队有关的汉字|Learn Chinese 学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Square, 方字旁, fāng zì páng。
Related to the flag and the army, 和旗帜、军队有关, hé qí zhì, jūn duì yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
National flag, 国旗, guó qí。
Triumph, 凯旋, kǎi xuán。
Show, 施展, shī zhǎn。
Give, 施, 旗帜飘动的样子。
Nation, 民族, mín zú。
Travel, 旅行, lǚ xíng。

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