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写汉字【病假单 bìng jià dān】How to Write ‘Sick Leave Certificate’ in Chinese 中国医生开病假条

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Sick leave refers to when a worker needs to stop working for medical treatment due to illness or non-work-related injuries. The company should grant a certain amount of medical leave based on the worker’s actual years of work and years of work in the company. During the sick leave, workers can receive their wages as usual, and the sick leave wages shall not be less than 80% of the local minimum wage. A sick leave certificate, or sick note, is a document issued by a doctor to a patient to certify the condition.

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Write Chinese【离职 lí zhí – 交接 jiāo jiē】Resignation & Handover in Chinese Company 用中文上班

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Resignation refers to the labor law system where an employee leaves his original position and original work unit. There are two situations. One is to resign for rest, to study in school, or to take a leave of absence. This kind of resignation does not terminate the labor legal relationship. The other is that the employee requests to resign and is approved by the unit, is dismissed by the unit, or resigns automatically. This kind of resignation terminates the labor legal relationship. Resigned employees enjoy different treatments according to different situations.

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