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商务中文【外企 wài qǐ】Foreign-invested Enterprises 外商投资企业 外资企业 在中国的外国公司

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外企(wài qǐ)一般指含有外资成分的企业。外商投资企业,是依照中国法律在中国境内设立的,由中国投资者与外国投资者共同投资,或者由外国投资者单独投资的企业。依照外商在企业注册资本和资产中所占股份和份额的比例不同以及其他法律特征的不同,可将外商投资企业分为四种类型:

Foreign-invested enterprises (wài qǐ) generally refer to enterprises with foreign capital. Foreign-invested enterprises are enterprises established in China in accordance with Chinese law, jointly invested by Chinese and foreign investors, or solely invested by foreign investors. According to the different proportions of shares and shares held by foreign investors in the registered capital and assets of the enterprise and other legal characteristics, foreign-invested enterprises can be divided into four types:

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商务汉语培训【赠品 zèng pǐn】Freebies 汉字书写 Business Chinese 免费赠送的促销物品

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A gift is an accessory given by a merchant. It is usually bundled with regular goods for sale, or given away after the goods are sold. Although the merchant claims that the gift is a free souvenir, in fact it is used for advertising or promotion of inferior products. Customers will regard this as a cost and add it to the value of the bundled goods.

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商务中文【质检 zhì jiǎn】Write Quality Inspection in Chinese 中文怎么写-质量检验 Learn Chinese

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Quality inspection, referred to as “quality inspection”, is also called “technical inspection”. It is a quality management method that uses certain inspection and testing means and inspection methods to determine the quality characteristics of products, and compares the results with the specified quality standards, so as to make qualified or unqualified judgments on products or batches of products.

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实用汉语【失业潮 shī yè cháo】大批人失去工作 A large number of people lost their jobs like the waves

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失业潮 [shī yè cháo] Unemployment Wave,意思是大批人失去工作。失业者的数量和失业的速度多到像海边的潮水一样大批涌来。

Unemployment Wave means that a large number of people have lost their jobs. The number of unemployed people and the speed of unemployment are so large that they are pouring in like the tide at the seaside.

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