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中文工作【报表 bào biǎo, Reports】Write Chinese 职场汉语: 财务报表 Working for a Chinese company 职业技能

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报表 [forms for reporting to the higher organizations] 是指用于向上级报告情况的表格。简单的说:报表就是用表格、图表等格式来动态显示数据,可以用公式表示为:“报表 = 多样的格式 + 动态的数据”。

A report is a form used to report to superiors. Simply put: a report is a form that uses tables, charts, and other formats to dynamically display data. It can be expressed as: “Report = Various formats + Dynamic data”.

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Learn Chinese【工资单 gōng zī dān】How to Write Payroll in Chinese 学写汉字 Teach Chinese

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Payroll, also known as salary settlement slip, is a voucher issued by the company to employees. The voucher lists the employee’s salary, bonus, allowance, absence deduction and other information. Payslips are basically issued once a month. In some cases, the payslip is made in triplicate, with one copy issued to the employee, one used for verification by government regulators, and the other kept by the company itself.

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