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【雨字头】Chinese Radical of Rain 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|学写字

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Yubu is one of the radicals in the Chinese character index, 173 of the 214 radicals in the Kangxi Dictionary (the seventh with eight strokes). As far as Traditional and Simplified Chinese are concerned, Yubu belongs to the eight-stroke radical. Rain Department only uses the upper part as the word. If there are no other radicals available, the radical will be classified as Yubu. The head of the word rain is often used as a symbol, and the words using rain as a symbol are mostly related to rain or the sky. Such as snow, zero, Xiao, etc.

Radical of Rain, 雨字头, yǔ zì tóu。Snowing, 下雪, xià xuě。Thunder, 打雷, dǎ léi。Field, 田, tián。Heavy fog, 大雾, dà wù。Service, 服务, fú wù。Task, 任务, rèn wù。Mold, 发霉, fā méi。Each, 每, měi。

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【火字旁】Chinese Radical of Fire 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|汉字入门

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Radical of Fire, 火字旁, huǒ zì páng。Light, flame and heat from the burning of objects, 物体燃烧所发的光、焰和热, wù tǐ rán shāo suǒ fā de guāng, yàn hé rè。

例字:Extinguish, 熄灭, xī miè。Electric light, 电灯, diàn dēng。Disaster, 灾难, zāi nàn。Fire, 火灾, huǒ zāi。Stir fry, 炒菜, chǎo cài。Smoke, 冒烟, mào yān。Because, 因, yīn。Burn, 燃烧, rán shāo。Dry, 干燥, gān zào。Goods, 商品, shāng pǐn。Wood, 木, mù。

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【三点水】Chinese Radical of Water 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|中文基础

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氵,读音shuǐ ,同“水”。用作偏旁时,俗称“三点水”。含有三点水的汉字通常与水或液体有关。水部为汉字索引中的部首之一,康熙字典214个部首中的第八十五个(四划的则为第二十五个)。就繁体和简体中文中,水部归于四划部首。水部通常出现在汉字的左方,写成氵。例字包括:波、浪、浴、沐、没、海、法、河、江等。

氵, pronounced shuǐ, same as “water”. When used as a radical, it is commonly called “three points of water”. Chinese characters containing three points of water are usually related to water or liquid. The water part usually appears on the left of the Chinese character and is written as 氵.

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