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【山字旁(头)】Chinese Radical of Mountain 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters

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Radical of Mountain, 山字旁,山字头, shān zì páng,shān zì tóu。

例词 Example Words:
Stand straightly and mightily, 屹立, yì lì。
Standing tall and upright (like a hero), 高耸笔直地挺立(像一个英雄), gāo sǒng bǐ zhí dì tǐng lì (xiàng yī gè yīng xióng)。

cliff, 悬崖, xuán yá。
River bank, 河岸, hé àn。
peak, 巅峰, diān fēng。

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学中文【双重否定】Double Negative Sentences in Chinese 加强肯定 (例句解析)

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汉语中的双重否定 Double Negatives in Chinese(例句解析)

汉语有两种类型的双重否定句式:一是一般的双重否定句式,这是连用两个否定词组成的;二是特殊的双重否定句式,这是由一个否定词和一个反问词组成的反问句。 There are two types of double-negative sentence patterns in Chinese: one is a general double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of two negative words; the other is a special double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of a negative word and a rhetorical question.

否定性词语汇总 Summary of Negative Words

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Asking for help in Chinese 如何用中文请求帮助|Learn to Speak Chinese 汉语基础口语

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qǐng qiú bāng zhù
Asking for Help

duì bù qǐ , wǒ yào xià chē .
Excuse me, I want to get off.

nǐ néng bāng wǒ yí gè máng ma ?
Can you do me a favor?

má fan nǐ bāng bang wǒ ba !
Could you help me?

wǒ néng wèi nǐ zuò shén me ?
What can I do for you?

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Say Vegetables in Chinese 学说汉语【蔬菜】- 慢速跟读复读 Slow follow-up & Repeat

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学说蔬菜 [xué shuō shū cài] Learn to Say Vegetables in Chinese

黄瓜 [huáng guā] cucumber
黄瓜可以生吃。Cucumbers can be eaten raw.

土豆 [tǔ dòu] n. potato
你给大家分一下土豆好吗?Can you dish out the potatoes, please?

茄子 [qié zi] n. eggplant
他喜欢吃茄子。He likes to eat eggplant.

生菜 [shēng cài] n. lettuce
这棵生菜不错。This is a nice head of lettuce.

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学中文【时间单位】⌚️Units of Times in Chinese 学写汉字 second秒/minute分/hour小时

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Units of Time , 时间单位 , shí jiān dān wèi 。
second , 秒 , miǎo 。
minute , 分钟 , fēn zhōng 。
hour , 小时 , xiǎo shí 。
day , 天 , tiān 。
week , 周 , zhōu 。
week , 星期 , xīng qī 。
month , 月 , yuè 。
quarter , 季度 , jì dù 。
year , 年 , nián 。

时间单位,是7种基本单位之一,长度、时间、质量、物质的量、光照度、电流 和(热力学)温度 是七种基本单位。现时每昼夜为二十四小时,在古时则为十二个时辰。当年西方机械钟表传入中国,人们将中西时点,分别称为“大时”和“小时”。随着钟表的普及,人们逐渐将“大时”淡忘,而“小时”沿用至今。

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