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Learn Chinese 成语故事《望梅止渴》Chinese Idiom Story for Beginners

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《井底之蛙》🐸Frog In A Well 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|儿童启蒙故事

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The frog at the bottom of the well is derived from a fable in “Zhuangzi · Waipian·Qiu Shui”. The idioms “frog at the bottom of the well” and “seeing the sky at the well” are both derived from this fable. They are used to metaphor and satirize the narrow-eyed and self-righteous people.

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《南辕北辙》📍Poles Apart 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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南辕北辙,汉语成语,拼音是nán yuán běi zhé,心想往南而车子却向北行。比喻行动和目的相抵触。出自《战国策·魏策四》。

The south turns to the north, the Chinese idiom is nán yuán běi zhé in pinyin. I want to go south but the car goes north. Metaphorical action conflicts with purpose. From “Warring States Policy·Wei Ce IV”.

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《狐假虎威》🐯Strut In Borrowed Plumes 中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|幼儿识字

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Fox fake tiger prestige is a Chinese idiom, usually refers to bullying people with the power of the superior. Fox fake tiger prestige is also a well-known fable, it is said that the fox escaped from the tiger’s mouth by his own wisdom. Later, it was used as a metaphor for relying on the power of others to oppress people.

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《画龙点睛》🐉Finishing Touch 朗读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|慢速跟读训练

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Close your eyes after drawing the dragon. Write an article in a metaphor, and use one or two sentences to point out the main points in key places to make the content more vivid and powerful.

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