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学中文【变调】Chinese Tone Sandhi Rules – 不bù bú bu/一yī yí yì yi|普通话声调变化规则

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汉语中的变调规则 Tone Sandhi Rules in Chinese
(Learn Mandarin Tone Changes)

1. 汉字“一”的变调 1. The tone sandhi of the Chinese character “一”

规则#1:当单念或在词组末尾时,“一”字念原调(第1声)。 Rule #1: When pronounced alone or at the end of a phrase, “一” is pronounced in the original tone (first tone).
例词:一;第一;专一。 yī, èr, sān; dì yī; zhuān yī. Examples: one; first; concentrated.

规则#2:在第4声的汉字前,“一”字变为第2声。 Rule #2: Before the Chinese character in the 4th tone, the character “一” becomes the 2nd tone.
例词:一定;一次。 yí dìng; yí cì. Examples: certainly; once.

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学中文【四声调】Four Tones in Chinese Pinyin 汉语拼音四种声调对应的汉字 – bā, bá, bǎ, bà

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sì shēng diào xué hàn yǔ, 四声调学汉语, Learn Chinese with Four Tones。
bā, 八, eight。
bá, 拔, pull。
bǎ, 把, put。
bà, 爸, dad。


Tones play a very important role not only in modern Chinese, but also in ancient Chinese. There are many different kinds of tones in ancient Chinese. The so-called “four tones” in traditional Chinese phonology are divided into four types of tones: “ping”, “shang”, “go”, and “ent”. This situation has existed at least before the fifth century.

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