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学中文【“的,地,得”用法】3 Forms of “de” in Chinese – 汉语语法教学 Teaching Chinese Grammar

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修饰词(形容词/名词/代词/动词)+ “的” + 名词 , Description (adjective/noun/pronoun/verb) + “的” + Noun

  • míng liàng de jiào shì , 明亮的教室 , Bright Classroom
  • zhōng guó de cháng chéng , 中国的长城 , The Great Wall of China
  • wǒ de shū , 我的书 , My Book
  • kàn de diàn yǐng , 看的电影 , Movies to Watch

修饰词(形容词)+ “地” + 动词 , Description (adjective) + “地” + Verb

  • qīng qīng de zǒu , 轻轻地走 , Walk Gently
  • tōu tōu de xiào , 偷偷地笑 , Laugh Secretly

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学中文【双重否定】Double Negative Sentences in Chinese 加强肯定 (例句解析)

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汉语中的双重否定 Double Negatives in Chinese(例句解析)

汉语有两种类型的双重否定句式:一是一般的双重否定句式,这是连用两个否定词组成的;二是特殊的双重否定句式,这是由一个否定词和一个反问词组成的反问句。 There are two types of double-negative sentence patterns in Chinese: one is a general double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of two negative words; the other is a special double-negative sentence pattern, which is composed of a negative word and a rhetorical question.

否定性词语汇总 Summary of Negative Words

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