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学中文【炒鱿鱼 chǎo yóu yú】How to Write ‘Fire’ in Chinese 解雇辞退开除 卷铺盖走人 Learn Office Chinese

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Fired squid is a Cantonese slang, which means being laid off by the company. In the past, people who were fired had no place to appeal. Once they heard the boss’s notice, they had to roll up their bedding and leave. Because in that era, the boss provided a place to live, but the quilt had to be prepared by themselves, so when they were fired, of course they had to roll up their own bedding. The fired people felt that the words “fired” or “dismissed” were too harsh, so some people began to use “roll up the bedding” instead. When firing squid, the squid will slowly curl up after being heated. Similar to the action of rolling up the bedding, firing squid has become a synonym for being laid off by the company. Another source of legend is that in the past, if the boss in Hong Kong planned to lay off employees, he would add a dish of fried squid to comfort everyone when all employees gathered together for dinner every year, and hinted that there would be layoffs.

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