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学中文【打折 dǎ zhé】How to Write ‘Discount’ in Chinese 打九折 (10% off) 打对折 (50% off) 商场促销手段

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A discount is a sale at a reduced price based on the original selling price. The discount indicates the percentage of the actual selling price to the original selling price. Note: 10% of the original selling price, which is 90% off; so 20% off means that the actual selling price is 80% of the original selling price.

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Top 30 Everyday Chinese Phrases 汉语日常用语三十句 – Pinyin & English Subtitles

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Chinese, also known as Chinese, Tang dialect, and Mandarin, refers to the entire Chinese family or a language in its language family. The Chinese is a family of analytical languages, belonging to the Sino-Tibetan language family. If Chinese is regarded as a single language, it is the most spoken language in the world. At present, one-fifth of the world’s population is the mother tongue. It has many branches, among which Mandarin is the most popular.

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