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学造句【北京】Beijing – Make Sentences in Chinese 中文词汇造句|学写汉字 Write Chinese Characters

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北京 , běi jīng , Beijing
北京是中国的首都。 , běi jīng shì zhōng guó de shǒu dū , Beijing is the capital of China.


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学写汉字【爱】How to Write Love in Chinese 中文词语造句 Make Sentences with Chinese Words

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爱 , ài , love, like
我爱妈妈。 , wǒ ài mā ma. , I love mom.
我爱游泳。 , wǒ ài yóu yǒng. , I like swimming.


Love, usually seen in people or animals, refers to a strong emotion and attachment to a person or something, derived from the strong love, loyalty, and well-meaning emotional and psychological state between relatives, such as maternal love.

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学写字【家电】Write “Home Appliances” in Chinese 如何用中文写家用电器|网上学汉语

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电视机, 空调, 冰箱, 洗衣机, 微波炉, 洗碗机

Jiā yòng diàn qì
Diàn shì jī, kōng tiáo, bīng xiāng, xǐ yī jī, wéi bō lú, xǐ wǎn jī

Home Appliances
Television, Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Washer, Microwave Oven, Dishwasher

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学写汉字【电脑配件】Write “Computer Accessories” in Chinese – 鼠标mouse/键盘keyboard/耳机headset

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汉字(拼音:hàn zì,注音符号:ㄏㄢˋ ㄗˋ),又称中文、中国字,别称方块字,是汉语的记录符号,属于表意文字的词素音节文字。世界上最古老的文字之一,已有六千多年的历史。在形体上逐渐由图形变为笔画,象形变为象征,复杂变为简单;在造字原则上从表形、表意到形声。除极个别汉字外(如瓩、兛、兣、呎、嗧等),都是一个汉字一个音节。

Chinese characters (pinyin: hàn zì, phonetic symbols: ㄏㄢˋ ㄗˋ), also known as Chinese, Chinese characters, nicknamed square characters, are Chinese recording symbols, and belong to morphological syllables of ideographic characters. One of the oldest characters in the world, with a history of more than 6,000 years. The form gradually changes from graphics to strokes, pictograms to symbols, and complexity to simplicity; in principle, characters are made from form, ideogram, to pictophony. Except for a few Chinese characters (such as 瓩, 兛, 兣, ft, 嗧, etc.), each Chinese character has one syllable.

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学中文【时段】🕙Time Periods of The Day in Chinese 学习用汉语写一天中的时间段

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Time Periods of The Day, 时段, shí duàn。
例字:Before Dawn, 凌晨, líng chén。Dawn, 黎明,lí míng。Early Morning, 早上, zǎo shang。Morning, 上午, shàng wǔ。Noon, 中午, zhōng wǔ。Afternoon, 下午, xià wǔ。Dusk, 黄昏,huáng hūn。Evening,晚上, wǎn shàng。Midnight, 午夜,wǔ yè。

时辰是古代计时单位。SHI CHEN is the ancient unit of time. It’s one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day.

1.中国传统计时单位。把一昼夜平分为十二段,每段叫做一个时辰,合现在的两小时。十二个时辰分别以地支为名称,从半夜起算,半夜十一点到一点是子时,中午十一点到一点是午时。 宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“今来所创置钤辖司前一闸,虽每遇潮上,闭得一两时辰……而公私舟舡欲出入闸者,自须先期出入,必不肯端坐以待闭闸。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“昼短夜长,差了三个时辰了。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“半个时辰前,他陪伴天子酣宴。”

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