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《守株待兔》🐇Wait For Windfalls 阅读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|故事大王

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守株待兔,汉语成语,拼音是shǒu zhū dài tù,比喻死守经验,不知变通。出自《韩非子·五蠹》。

Stand alone and wait for the rabbit, the Chinese idiom is shǒu zhū dài tù in pinyin, which is a metaphor for sticking to the experience without knowing how to adapt. From “Han Feizi·Five Beetles”.





示例:吾料兄必定出身报国,岂是~之辈。 ◎明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十四


近义词: 刻舟求剑、墨守成规
反义词: 通达权变





Source of idioms

“Han Feizi · Five Beetles” records: During the Warring States Period, a farmer in Song State saw a rabbit hit and died on the root of a tree. He put down his hoe and waited by the root of the tree, hoping to get another rabbit that was killed.

Idiom usage

Linked action type; used as object or attributive; with derogatory meaning

Example: My brother must be born to serve the country, so he is a generation of ~. ◎Ming Xu Zhonglin, “The Romance of the Gods” 94

Analysis of idioms

Synonyms: carve the boat and seek the sword, stick to the rules
Antonyms: mastery contingency

Idiom explanation

Strain: Tree roots out of the ground. The original metaphor hopes to get a fluke of success without hard work. Now it is also a metaphor of sticking to a narrow experience without knowing how to work it out.

Idiom story

Han Feizi’s “Study and Waiting for Rabbits”: Song people have plowers. There is a plant in the field, and the rabbit walks and touches the plant, breaking its neck to death. Because of the release of Qi Lei, he kept the tree, hoping to regain the rabbit. The rabbit cannot be recovered, and as Song Guoxiao.
It means that there was a farmer in Song Dynasty who had a stump in his field. One day, a fast-running hare hit a tree stump, twisted its neck and died. So the farmer put down his farm tools and stayed next to the stump day and night, hoping to get another rabbit. However, it is impossible for Hare to get it again, and he himself was ridiculed by posterity.

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