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【食字旁】Chinese Radical of Food 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of food, 食字旁, shí zì páng,
Originally a pictogram of utensils with covers, now related to food, 原是食具加盖的象形,现与食物有关, yuán shì shí jù jiā gài de xiàng xíng, xiàn yǔ shí wù yǒu guān,
Rice, 米饭, mǐ fàn,
Drink, 饮料, yǐn liào,
Cookies, 饼干, bǐng gān,
Hungry, 饥饿, jī è,


“饣”读音:[ shí ],同“食”,用作偏旁。

饥,读音:[ jī ];释义:①饿,吃不饱;②庄稼收成不好或没有收成。~饿。~荒。

饮,读音:[ yǐn ];释义:喝或喝的东西。~酒。~料。读音:[ yìn ];释义:让……喝;给……喝;喂。~恨。~泣。

饭,读音:[ fàn ];释义:①煮熟的谷类食品(多指大米干饭)。②每天定时吃的食物。米~。~馆。

馋,读音:[ chán ];释义:看见好的食物就想吃;专爱吃好的;贪嘴。嘴~。眼~。

馁,读音:[ něi ];释义:空虚;失去勇气。气~。

饰,读音:[ shì ];释义:①装饰;修饰;装饰品;②掩饰;粉饰。~品。装~。

饱,读音:[ bǎo ];释义:①满足了食量(跟‘饿’相对);②饱满;足足地;充分。~和。~学。

饲,读音:[ sì ];释义:①喂养;②喂家畜、家禽的食物。~养。~料。

饼,读音:[ bǐng ];释义:①圆形薄片或扁圆形的面制食品;②像饼的东西。月~。铁~。

饯,读音:[ jiàn ];释义:①设酒食送行;②用蜜或糖浸渍果品,又指蜜或糖浸渍的果品。~行。蜜~。

The characters with the radical “饣” are: hunger, drink, meal, glutton, embarrassment, decoration, fullness, feeding, cake, candied fruit, etc.

“饣” pronunciation: [shí ], same as “食”, used as a radical.

Hunger, pronunciation: [jī ]; Interpretation: ① hungry, not enough to eat; ② poor harvest or no harvest. ~ Hungry. ~ Desolate.

Drink, pronunciation: [yǐn ]; Interpretation: something to drink or drink. ~ Wine. ~ Material. Pronunciation: [yìn ]; Interpretation: let… drink; give… drink; hey. ~Hate. ~ Weep.

Rice, pronunciation: [fàn ]; Interpretation: ① Cooked cereals (mostly refers to dried rice). ② Food to eat regularly every day. M~. ~ Pavilion.

Greedy, pronunciation: [chán ]; Interpretation: I want to eat good food when I see it; I love to eat good food; Mouth~. Eyes~.

Discouraged, pronunciation: [něi ]; paraphrase: emptiness; loss of courage. Gas~.

Decoration, pronunciation: [shì ]; Interpretation: ① decoration; decoration; decoration; ② cover up; whitewash. ~Products. Install~.

Full, pronunciation: [bǎo ]; Interpretation: ①Satisfied appetite (as opposed to ‘hungry’); ②Satisfied; fully; adequate. ~And. ~Learn.

Feeding, pronunciation: [sì ]; Interpretation: ① feeding; ② feeding livestock and poultry food. ~ Raise. ~ Material.

Bing, pronunciation: [bǐng ]; Interpretation: ① round slices or flat round pasta food; ② something like a cake. Month~. Iron~.

Candied fruit, pronunciation: [jiàn ]; Interpretation: ① Set wine and food to see off; ② Use honey or sugar to impregnate fruit, and also refers to honey or sugar impregnated fruit. ~ OK. Honey~.

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