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实用汉语【失业潮 shī yè cháo】大批人失去工作 A large number of people lost their jobs like the waves

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失业潮 [shī yè cháo] Unemployment Wave,意思是大批人失去工作。失业者的数量和失业的速度多到像海边的潮水一样大批涌来。

Unemployment Wave means that a large number of people have lost their jobs. The number of unemployed people and the speed of unemployment are so large that they are pouring in like the tide at the seaside.



失业率的计算方法为:失业率(%)=(失业人口÷劳动人口)× 100%。


Unemployment means that people who are able to work are not in any paid work. In the economic field, a person is considered unemployed if he is willing and able to work for pay and has taken actions to obtain a job, but has not found a job. The unemployment rate is the proportion of the working population that meets the “unemployment conditions”.

In practice, it is very difficult to determine the number of unemployed people who are actually looking for work, especially the number of people whose unemployment benefits have expired before they find a job. The history of unemployment is the history of modernization. In ancient times, this was not considered a problem, although the hidden unemployed in the rural labor force had little to do, especially in the case of overpopulation. This situation is still prevalent in urban-rural dual economies such as mainland China. If the hidden unemployed in the country’s rural areas are also counted, the total number of unemployed people is about 200 million, and the real unemployment rate exceeds 30%, which is much higher than the registered urban unemployment rate of 17%.

The unemployment rate is calculated as follows: unemployment rate (%) = (unemployed population ÷ labor force) × 100%.

Although the unemployment rate is a simple number, it is closely related to other economic indicators. Therefore, some scholars hope to gain a deeper understanding of the macro economy by studying the unemployment rate.

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