School Subjects , 学科 , xué kē 。
Chinese , 语文 , yǔ wén 。
Math , 数学 , shù xué 。
English , 英语 , yīng yǔ 。
Physics , 物理 , wù lǐ 。
Chemistry , 化学 , huà xué 。
History , 历史 , lì shǐ 。
Biology , 生物 , shēng wù 。
Geography , 地理 , dì lǐ 。
Physical Education , 体育 , tǐ yù 。
Discipline is the division of knowledge in university teaching (education) and research. Disciplines are defined and recognized by published research and academic journals, societies and departments.
Fields usually have sub-fields or sub-disciplines, and the boundaries between them are casual and fuzzy.
In medieval Europe, there were only four departments in universities: Theology, Medicine, Law and Art, and the status of the last one was slightly lower than that of the other three. In the process of university secularization from the Middle Ages to the late nineteenth century, traditional courses began to be supplemented with non-classical language and literature, physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, and the origin of the current disciplines originated from this. In the early twentieth century, pedagogy, sociology, and psychology also began to appear in university curricula.