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Say Vegetables in Chinese 学说汉语【蔬菜】- 慢速跟读复读 Slow follow-up & Repeat

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学说蔬菜 [xué shuō shū cài] Learn to Say Vegetables in Chinese

黄瓜 [huáng guā] cucumber
黄瓜可以生吃。Cucumbers can be eaten raw.

土豆 [tǔ dòu] n. potato
你给大家分一下土豆好吗?Can you dish out the potatoes, please?

茄子 [qié zi] n. eggplant
他喜欢吃茄子。He likes to eat eggplant.

生菜 [shēng cài] n. lettuce
这棵生菜不错。This is a nice head of lettuce.

胡萝卜 [hú luó bo] n. carrot
我喜欢胡萝卜,我也喜欢黄瓜。I like carrots, and I also like cucumbers.

蘑菇 [mó gū] mushroom
我不太爱吃蘑菇。I’m not partial to mushrooms.

菠菜 [bō cài] n. spinach
我讨厌菠菜。I hate spinach.

番茄 [fān qié] n. tomato
我喜欢吃薯条的时候蘸番茄酱。I like to eat fries with ketchup.

甜椒 [tián jiāo] bell pepper
沙拉中经常用到甜椒。Bell peppers are often used in a salad.

西兰花 [xī lán huā] n. broccoli
我点了西兰花牛肉米饭。I order the Broccoli Beef Rice.

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