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《亡羊补牢》🐑Better Late Than Never 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud

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亡羊补牢,汉语成语,拼音是wáng yáng bǔ láo。本篇选自《战国策·楚策四》。它说明:羊丢了,把羊圈修补起来,剩下的羊就不会再丢。犯了错误,立即改正,就能减少错误。遭到失误,及时采取补救措施,则可以避免继续出现的损失。

Better Late Than Never, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is wáng yáng bǔ láo. This article is selected from “Warring States Policy·Chu Policy IV”. It shows: if the sheep is lost, repair the sheep pen, and the remaining sheep will not be lost again. If you make a mistake and correct it immediately, you can reduce your mistakes. In case of mistakes, timely remedial measures can be taken to avoid continued losses.



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【笔顺规则】Top 10 Chinese Stroke Order Rules 汉字笔顺十大基本规则 How to Write in Chinese

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Top 10 Rules of Chinese Character Stroke Order 汉字笔顺十大规则汇总

1. First horizontal and then vertical. 1、先横后竖。
Example word: ten. 例字:十,shí。

2. Left-falling stroke first and then right-falling stroke. 2、先撇后捺。
Example word: people. 例字:人,rén。

3. From top to bottom. 3、从上到下。
Example word: three. 例字:三,sān。

4. From left to right. 4、从左到右。
Example word: river. 例字:河,hé。

5. First outside and then inside. 5、先外后里。
Example word: moon. 例字:月,yuè。

6. Outside, inside and then sealing. 6、先外后里再封口。
Example word: back. 例字:回,huí。

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【三点水】Chinese Radical of Water 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|中文基础

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氵,读音shuǐ ,同“水”。用作偏旁时,俗称“三点水”。含有三点水的汉字通常与水或液体有关。水部为汉字索引中的部首之一,康熙字典214个部首中的第八十五个(四划的则为第二十五个)。就繁体和简体中文中,水部归于四划部首。水部通常出现在汉字的左方,写成氵。例字包括:波、浪、浴、沐、没、海、法、河、江等。

氵, pronounced shuǐ, same as “water”. When used as a radical, it is commonly called “three points of water”. Chinese characters containing three points of water are usually related to water or liquid. The water part usually appears on the left of the Chinese character and is written as 氵.

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《小壁虎找尾巴》☀️Little Gecko Looks for Tail 学读中文儿童故事书 Chinese Story Book

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“Little Gecko Borrowing Tail” is a popular science fairy tale. The text uses anthropomorphic techniques to tell the characteristics of several animal tails through the story of little gecko borrowing tails from small fish, old cows, and swallows. The article made us realize that we should not always think about other people’s help when we encounter difficulties. Only through hardships can we gradually grow.


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学写字【运动】🏀Write “Sports” in Chinese – Running跑步/Playing Ball Games打球/Rope Skipping跳绳/Yoga瑜伽|学习中文

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Sports , 体育运动 , yùn dòng 。
Running , 跑步 , pǎo bù 。
Playing Ball Games , 打球 , dǎ qiú 。
Rope Skipping , 跳绳 , tiào shéng 。
Yoga , 瑜伽 , yú jiā 。
Gym , 体操 , tǐ cāo 。
Swimming , 游泳 , yóu yǒng 。
Mountain Climbing , 爬山 , pá shān 。
Skating , 溜冰 , liū bīng 。


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