Top 10 Rules of Chinese Character Stroke Order 汉字笔顺十大规则汇总
1. First horizontal and then vertical. 1、先横后竖。
Example word: ten. 例字:十,shí。
2. Left-falling stroke first and then right-falling stroke. 2、先撇后捺。
Example word: people. 例字:人,rén。
3. From top to bottom. 3、从上到下。
Example word: three. 例字:三,sān。
4. From left to right. 4、从左到右。
Example word: river. 例字:河,hé。
5. First outside and then inside. 5、先外后里。
Example word: moon. 例字:月,yuè。
6. Outside, inside and then sealing. 6、先外后里再封口。
Example word: back. 例字:回,huí。