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【中文标点】Punctuation Marks in Chinese 汉语标点符号使用方法教学 (汇总)

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标点符号 [biāo diǎn fú hào] 是书面上用于标明句读和语气的符号。标点符号是辅助文字记录语言的符号,是书面语的组成部分,用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性质和作用。标点符号包括标号和点号。

Punctuation marks are symbols used to indicate sentence reading and tone in writing. Punctuation marks are symbols that assist in writing language, and are an integral part of written language. They are used to express pauses, tone, and the nature and function of words. Punctuation marks include labels and dots.

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《小马过河》🐎Pony Crosses The River|中文儿童故事书 Chinese Story Book for Kids

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“Little Horse Crossing the River” is a fable (fairy tale) created by Mr. Peng Wenxi, a teacher of Ruian Primary and Middle School in Zhejiang Province. It was originally published in “New Youth Daily” (the predecessor of “China Children’s Daily”) in November 1955.

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《小燕子找雨》🐦Little Swallow Looks for Rain|中文故事绘本朗读 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud

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Listen to a beautiful fairy tale and accompany your children to sleep. These sleep stories are a set of fairy tales before going to bed for over 3 years old carefully selected by us. Every fairy tale and story here is very lively and interesting, and most of them are award-winning masterpieces, which are very beneficial to the growth of children.

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《小猪的新帽子》🐷Piggy’s New Hat|妈妈讲故事 睡前故事 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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绘本(Picture Book),顾名思义就是「画出来的书」。整本书以图画为主,可以连贯成为单一完整故事的称为绘本。简单来说,只要把整本书的文字全部拿掉,读者光靠整本书的图还可以知道整本书的故事内容在说什么,才可以被称做为绘本。

A picture book, simply put, as long as the text of the entire book is removed, the reader can know what the story of the entire book is saying only by relying on the pictures of the entire book, and it can be called a picture book.

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学中文【时段】🕙Time Periods of The Day in Chinese 学习用汉语写一天中的时间段

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Time Periods of The Day, 时段, shí duàn。
例字:Before Dawn, 凌晨, líng chén。Dawn, 黎明,lí míng。Early Morning, 早上, zǎo shang。Morning, 上午, shàng wǔ。Noon, 中午, zhōng wǔ。Afternoon, 下午, xià wǔ。Dusk, 黄昏,huáng hūn。Evening,晚上, wǎn shàng。Midnight, 午夜,wǔ yè。

时辰是古代计时单位。SHI CHEN is the ancient unit of time. It’s one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day.

1.中国传统计时单位。把一昼夜平分为十二段,每段叫做一个时辰,合现在的两小时。十二个时辰分别以地支为名称,从半夜起算,半夜十一点到一点是子时,中午十一点到一点是午时。 宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“今来所创置钤辖司前一闸,虽每遇潮上,闭得一两时辰……而公私舟舡欲出入闸者,自须先期出入,必不肯端坐以待闭闸。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·媚座》:“昼短夜长,差了三个时辰了。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“半个时辰前,他陪伴天子酣宴。”

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