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实用中文【炒股 chǎo gǔ】Stock Trading 买卖股票 Buying & Selling Stocks 证券交易 Investment Chinese

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Stock speculation refers to the buying and selling of stocks. The core content of stock speculation is to make profits through the difference between the buying and selling prices in the securities market.

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中文缩略语【开学 kāi xué】Back to School 开始新的学期 Chinese Abbreviations 教汉字 学汉语

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The Chinese meaning of “start of school” is “opening a school”, “starting scholars”, and “start of the semester”. However, the term “start of the semester” is more commonly used in daily life. In modern Chinese, the start of school usually refers to students returning to school to continue their studies after a holiday break. Depending on the country and the school system, there are 2-4 start days each year, and a ceremony is usually held on the start day of a new school year.

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Learn Chinese【放假 fàng jià】Take a holiday 放暑假 /寒假 /长假 Summer /Winter /Long Vacation 学写汉字

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放假,是指在规定的日期停止工作或学习,度过假日。语出唐 皎然 张荐 《七言乐语联句》:“戍客归来见妻子,学生放假偷向市。”

Holiday means to stop working or studying on a specified date and spend the holiday. It comes from the “Seven-Character Music Couplets” by Jiaoran and Zhang Jian of the Tang Dynasty: “The garrison soldiers return to see their wives, and the students sneak to the market on holiday.”

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商务汉语培训【赠品 zèng pǐn】Freebies 汉字书写 Business Chinese 免费赠送的促销物品

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A gift is an accessory given by a merchant. It is usually bundled with regular goods for sale, or given away after the goods are sold. Although the merchant claims that the gift is a free souvenir, in fact it is used for advertising or promotion of inferior products. Customers will regard this as a cost and add it to the value of the bundled goods.

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学中文【打折 dǎ zhé】How to Write ‘Discount’ in Chinese 打九折 (10% off) 打对折 (50% off) 商场促销手段

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A discount is a sale at a reduced price based on the original selling price. The discount indicates the percentage of the actual selling price to the original selling price. Note: 10% of the original selling price, which is 90% off; so 20% off means that the actual selling price is 80% of the original selling price.

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