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学写字【家电】Write “Home Appliances” in Chinese 如何用中文写家用电器|网上学汉语

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电视机, 空调, 冰箱, 洗衣机, 微波炉, 洗碗机

Jiā yòng diàn qì
Diàn shì jī, kōng tiáo, bīng xiāng, xǐ yī jī, wéi bō lú, xǐ wǎn jī

Home Appliances
Television, Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Washer, Microwave Oven, Dishwasher

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《乌鸦喝水》💦Crow Drinks Water 学读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|儿童汉语读物

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“The Crow Drinks Water” is a fable of Aesop. By telling the story of a crow drinking water, it tells people not to give up when encountering difficulties, and to use whatever is available around them to help themselves and give full play to their ingenuity. You must have the spirit of breakthrough, and the spirit of not giving up until you reach your goal. After persisting again and again, you will always see the dawn of victory.

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【反犬旁】Chinese Radical of Dog 学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn to Write Chinese Characters|汉语教学

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反犬旁[fǎn quǎn páng]表示动物,第一笔是撇,来源于草书写法,凡是有一横一点的起笔,在草书中大多用一撇带过,故此将犬写成草书便类似于反犬旁。

Chinese characters with Radical of Dog related to animals. The first stroke is a scribble, derived from cursive writing. Anything with a horizontal stroke is mostly used in cursive script. Therefore, writing a dog in cursive is similar to writing a dog in cursive. .

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学中文【数字】How to Write Numbers 1-10 in Chinese 学写中文数字 (一到十) Learn Chinese Characters 学写字

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yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā, jiǔ, shí


Representing numbers in the form of Chinese characters is often used when issuing invoices and receipts, especially in the financial field. However, the Chinese representation of numbers is very different from other languages. For example, in Chinese, every 4 digits (ten thousand) is a small separation.

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《小熊运西瓜》🍉Little Bear Carries Watermelons 学读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|亲子互动

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【小熊运西瓜】活动目标: 练习手捧皮球迅速行走,发展幼儿的控制力和灵敏性。 活动准备: 小皮球,数目为人数的一倍。大筐四个。重难点:练习手捧皮球迅速走。

【Little Bear Carries Watermelon】Activity goal: Practice holding a ball and walking quickly to develop children’s control and agility. Activity preparation: Small balls, double the number of people. Four big baskets. Difficulties: Practice holding the ball and walk quickly.

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