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学写汉字【职业】💼Write “Occupations” in Chinese – Doctor医生/Teacher教师/Driver司机/Chef厨师

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zhí yè

Doctor, 医生, yī shēng。
Teacher, 教师, jiào shī。
Driver, 司机, sī jī。
Chef, 厨师, chú shī。
Lawyer, 律师, lǜ shī。
Engineer, 工程师, gōng chéng shī。
Cashier, 收银员, shōu yín yuán。
Worker, 工人, gōng rén。
Farmer, 农民, nóng mín。

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《小鼹鼠进城》🎡Little Mole Enters The City 亲子共读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud

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“The Mole’s Story-The Adventures of Mole Entering the City” is a book published by Relay Publishing House in 2003. The authors are Zdenek Miller and J.A. Novotny. This book tells the story of Little Mole who had to live in the city due to the destruction of the forest. After some twists and turns, he returned to the forest.

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【绞丝旁】Chinese Radical of Silk 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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纟(糹、糸),sī ㄙˉ。“糸”简化为“纟”。依据古人书法省笔简化 。《说文解字》:“糸,细丝也。象束丝之形。”。束丝之形是纟之范式。本义:细丝,同“糸”。用作偏旁,俗称“绞丝旁”。

纟 (糹, 糸), sī ㄙˉ. “Shi” is simplified to “纟”. Simplified according to the ancient calligraphy, saving pen. “Shuowen Jiezi”: “Shito, thin silk. Like a bundle of silk.”. The form of bundled silk is the paradigm of 纟. Original meaning: filament, same as “shito”. Used as a radical, commonly known as “twisted silk side”.

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学写汉字【动物】🐺Write “Animals” in Chinese – Tiger老虎/Lion狮子/Crocodile鳄鱼/Wolf狼/Elephant大象

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xué xí yòng zhōng wén xiě dòng wù
Learn to write animals in Chinese

Tiger, 老虎, lǎo hǔ,
Lion, 狮子, shī zi,
Wolf, 狼, láng,
Crocodile, 鳄鱼, è yú,
Elephant, 大象, dà xiàng,
Giraffe, 长颈鹿, cháng jǐng lù,
Hippo, 河马, hé mǎ,

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《小蝌蚪找妈妈》🐸Tadpoles Look For Their Mom|中国第一部水墨动画电影 China’s First Ink and Wash Animation Film

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“Little Tadpoles Looking for Mother” is China’s first ink and wash animation film, produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio in 1960 and adapted from the fairy tale of the same name by Fang Huizhen and Sheng Lude. Through the newly born tadpoles, the habits and conditions of various animals are vividly introduced. It is one of the few fine works of ink and wash animation.

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