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【日字旁】Chinese Radical of Sun 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|与太阳或光线有关的字 Chinese Characters

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日字旁, rì zì páng, 表示与太阳或光线有关的字。日部,为汉字索引中的部首之一,康熙字典214个部首中的第七十二个(四划的则为第十二个)。

Next to the word “日”, rì zì páng, indicates a word related to the sun or light. The Japanese part is one of the radicals in the Chinese character index, and the 72nd of the 214 radicals in the Kangxi Dictionary (the four-stroke is the 12th).

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学写中文【本】Write “Original” in Chinese|汉字的起源 The Origin of Chinese Characters

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Chinese characters are one of the characters with the longest use time, the widest space, and the largest number of people in the world. The creation and application of Chinese characters not only promoted the development of Chinese culture, but also had a profound impact on the development of world culture. More than fifty kinds of carved symbols have appeared in places such as the Banpo ruins about six thousand years ago.

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《飞碟帽子》🎩UFO Hat 在家学读中文故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home|中文儿童故事

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儿童故事是指 以叙述事件的过程为中心,适合儿童听或看的篇幅短小的文学作品。

Children’s stories refer to short-length literary works that focus on the process of narrating events and are suitable for children to listen to or read.

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【学字头】Chinese Radical of Study 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Chinese Characters 与通过感官去学习有关

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Learning the prefix is ​​mainly related to learning through the senses. Common words at the beginning of learning: learn, feel. In fact, there is no learning head. The learning head is traditional, which is used only after the traditional characters have become simplified characters.

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