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【右耳旁】Chinese Radical of Right Ear 多用于地域泛称、姓氏|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Mandarin

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Radical of Right Ear, 右耳旁, yòu ěr páng。
Mostly used for regional general name and surname, 多用于地域泛称、姓duō yòng yú dì yù fàn chēng, xìng。例词:Deng, 邓dèng。Zheng, 郑zhèng。Neighbor, 邻居, lín jū。There, 那里, nà lǐ。Department, 部门, bù mén。Postcode, 邮编, yóu biān。Suburbs, 郊区, jiāo qū。


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如何写中文简体字【语言名称】Write “Language Names” in Simplified Chinese Video Tutorials

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Language Names , 语言名称 , yǔ yán míng chēng 。
English , 英语 , yīng yǔ 。
Chinese , 汉语 , hàn yǔ 。
French , 法语 , fǎ yǔ 。
Spanish , 西班牙语 , xī bān yá yǔ 。
Russian , 俄语 , é yǔ 。
German , 德语 , dé yǔ 。
Japanese , 日语 , rì yǔ 。

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《小猴子下山》🐒Little Monkey Goes Down The Mountain|中文儿童教材 Chinese Textbooks

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One day, a little monkey came down the mountain. It walked into a cornfield, and was very happy to see that the corn had grown bigger and bigger, so he broke one and carried it forward.

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【目字旁】Chinese Radical of Eyes 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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radical of eyes, 目字旁, mù zì páng,

usually related to the eyes, 一般都与眼睛有关, yī bān dōu yǔ yǎn jīng yǒu guān,
eyes, 眼睛, yǎn jīng,
blind, 盲人, máng rén,
see, 看见, kàn jiàn,
eyebrow, 眉毛, méi máo.


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学造句【杯子】Cup|Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句 Featured Chinese Example Sentences

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杯子 , bēi zi , cup

宝宝学会用杯子喝水了。 , bǎo bao xué huì yòng bēi zi hē shuǐ le. , The baby learned to drink water from the cup.

她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。She took a drink from the glass and then put it down.


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