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《守株待兔》🐇Wait For Windfalls 阅读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|故事大王

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守株待兔,汉语成语,拼音是shǒu zhū dài tù,比喻死守经验,不知变通。出自《韩非子·五蠹》。

Stand alone and wait for the rabbit, the Chinese idiom is shǒu zhū dài tù in pinyin, which is a metaphor for sticking to the experience without knowing how to adapt. From “Han Feizi·Five Beetles”.

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【厂字头】Chinese Radical of Factory 与室内空间和山崖有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Mandarin

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Factory originally meant cliff or house, so the word next to factory is generally related to cliff or house. When the factory is used as a radical, instead of reading chǎng, it should be pronounced hàn. It is the image of a cliff. The horizontal is the top of the cliff, and it is a very steep cliff.

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学造句【菜】Dish|Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句|中文流行语 Chinese Buzzwords

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菜 , cài , vegetable, dish

例句 Example Sentences:
多吃蔬菜,有益健康。 , duō chī shū cài yǒu yì jiàn kāng , Eating more vegetables is beneficial to health.
这家餐馆有什么招牌菜? , zhè jiā cān guǎn yǒu shé me zhāo pái cài? , What are the signature dishes of this restaurant?
她不是我的菜。 , tā bù shì wǒ de cài. , She is not the kind of girls I would love.
他唱歌水平很菜。 , tā chàng gē shuǐ píng hěn cài. , He is not good at singing at all.

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《狐假虎威》🐯Strut In Borrowed Plumes 中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|幼儿识字

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Fox fake tiger prestige is a Chinese idiom, usually refers to bullying people with the power of the superior. Fox fake tiger prestige is also a well-known fable, it is said that the fox escaped from the tiger’s mouth by his own wisdom. Later, it was used as a metaphor for relying on the power of others to oppress people.

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【硬耳旁】Chinese Radical of Hard Ear 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of Hard Ear, 硬耳旁, yìng ěr páng。
Related to credit and certificates, 与信用、证件有关yǔ xìn yòng, zhèng jiàn yǒu guān。

例词:Right now, 即jí。Immediately, 立即lì jí。Unload, 卸, xiè。Shirk responsibility, 推卸责任, tuī xiè zé rèn。But, 却, què。Forget, 忘却, wàng què。Seal, 印, yìn。Seal, 印章, yìn zhāng。

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