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《铁杵磨针》💯Iron Pestle Needle 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|中文直播课

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铁杵磨针,汉语成语,拼音是tiě chǔ mó zhēn ,比喻只要有决心,肯下工夫,多么难的事情也能做成功。出自南宋祝穆的《方舆胜览》。

Tiechu grinding a needle is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is tiě chǔ mó zhēn. As long as you have determination and work hard, you can succeed in difficult things. From “Fang Yu Sheng Lan” by Zhu Mu in the Southern Song Dynasty.

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【病字头】Chinese Radical of Sick 疒原是人睡在床上的象形,与疾病有关,表示不健康|中文偏旁部首

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Radical of Sick, 病字头, bìng zì tóu。
It was originally a pictogram of a person sleeping in a bed, which is generally related to disease and indicates unhealthy. 原是人睡在床上的象形,一般与疾病有关,表示不健康。

例词 Example Words:
Sick, 生病, shēng bìng。
Scar, 伤疤, shāng bā。
Pain, 疼痛, téng tòng。
Treatment, 治疗, zhì liáo。

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汉语造句【出租车】Taxi in Chinese 各地方言大汇总|台湾 “计程车”|上海 “差头”|港澳地区“的士”

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出租车,供人临时雇佣的汽车,多按里程或时间收费。台湾称作“计程车”,湖南、广东及港澳地区称为“的士”,新加坡及马来西亚一带则称为“德士”,上海称作“差头(cā dou)”出租车英文“taxi”为“taximeter”之略称,即为“计程表”或 “里程计”。

Taxis, cars for temporary employment, are often charged according to mileage or time. Taiwan is called “taxi”, Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau are called “taxi”, Singapore and Malaysia are called “taxi”, and Shanghai is called “cā dǒu” taxi. English “taxi” is The abbreviation for “taximeter” means “taximeter” or “odometer”.

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《草船借箭》🔰Borrowing Enemy’s Arrows 出自中国古典名著《三国演义》赤壁之战|Chinese Classical Masterpiece

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The Arrow from the Grass Boat is a story about the battle of Chibi in the classic Chinese classic “The Romance of Three Kingdoms”. The arrow was deliberately proposed by Zhou Yu (limited to 100,000 arrows in ten days). The witty Zhuge Liang saw that it was a detrimental trick at a glance, but calmly said that “it only takes three days.” Later, with the help of Lu Su, Zhuge Liang took advantage of Cao Cao’s suspicious character, adjusted a few straw boats to lure the enemy, and finally “borrowed” more than 100,000 arrows.

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【广字头】Chinese Radical of Broad 表示大而宽,与开放式的建筑物有关|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Broad, 广字头, guǎng zì tóu。
Large and wide, open concept building, 大而宽,开放式的建筑物。

例词 Example Words:
Celebrate, 庆祝, qìng zhù。Bed, 床, chuáng。Riverbed, 河床, hé chuáng。Manor, 庄园, zhuāng yuán。Store, 商店, shāng diàn。Temple, 庙, miào。Bottom, 底部, dǐ bù。Health, 健康, jiàn kāng。Broad, 康, kāng。

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