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学写汉字【电脑】Write “Computer” in Chinese – 台式机Desktop/笔记本电脑Laptop/平板电脑Tablet

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电脑 , diàn nǎo , computer
台式机 , tái shì jī , desktop
笔记本电脑 , bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo , laptop
平板电脑 , píng bǎn diàn nǎo , tablet

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《掩耳盗铃》🔔Deceive Oneself 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|汉语启蒙教育

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掩耳盗铃,汉语成语,读音为yǎn ěr dào líng,意思是偷铃铛怕别人听见而捂住自己的耳朵。比喻自己欺骗自己,明明掩盖不住的事情偏要想法子掩盖。出自于《吕氏春秋·自知》。

Cover your ears and steal the bell, a Chinese idiom, pronounced yǎn ěr dào líng, meaning to steal a bell and cover your ears for fear of others hearing it. I like to deceive myself, and I have to try to cover up things that I can’t cover up. From “Lu Shi Chunqiu · Self-knowledge”.

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【示字旁】Chinese Radical of Sacrifice 一般与神(包括对神的崇拜活动和心理)有关|中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Sacrifice, 示字旁, shì zì páng。
示字旁,指的是“示”作偏旁的变形。“示”是“神”的本字。从“示”的字,一般与神(包括对神的崇拜活动和心理),与天地祖宗鬼神有关,如祸福神祖祭祀祥等等。礻shìㄕˋ◎ 同“示”。用作偏旁。俗称“示字旁”。例外:TV, 电视, diàn shì。电视的“视”是见字旁。

Radical of Sacrifice, it refers to the deformation of “Shi” as a radical. “Shi” is the original word for “God”. The word “show” is generally related to gods (including worship activities and psychology to gods), and the ancestors of heaven and earth, ghosts and gods. 礻shìㄕˋ◎ Same as “show”. Used as a radical. Commonly known as “shizibian”. Exception: TV, television, diàn shì. The “shì” of TV has the radical of jiàn.

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中文造句【打电话】Call – Make Sentences in Chinese 中英对照例句分析|How to Write Chinese Characters

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打电话 , dǎ diàn huà , Make a call
你为什么没给我打电话? , nǐ wèi shé me méi gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà? , Why didn’t you call me?

双语例句 Bilingual Example Sentences


If you get into any dodgy situations, call me.


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《铁杵磨针》💯Iron Pestle Needle 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|中文直播课

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铁杵磨针,汉语成语,拼音是tiě chǔ mó zhēn ,比喻只要有决心,肯下工夫,多么难的事情也能做成功。出自南宋祝穆的《方舆胜览》。

Tiechu grinding a needle is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is tiě chǔ mó zhēn. As long as you have determination and work hard, you can succeed in difficult things. From “Fang Yu Sheng Lan” by Zhu Mu in the Southern Song Dynasty.

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