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《塞翁失马》🐎 Blessing in Disguise 学习中文成语故事书 Read Chinese Idiom Story Book|线上中文课

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If we lose our horses, we know that we are not blessed, and we will lose our horses, and we are not blessed. It is an analogy that although you suffer a loss for a while, you can get benefits because of it. It also means that bad things can turn into good things under certain conditions, and vice versa. To describe a person’s mentality, we must be optimistic. Everything has two sides. The bad side may be transformed into the good side.

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【父字头】Chinese Radical of Father 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|原似手拿斧头的动作,现指对男性长辈的称呼

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父字头, fù zì tóu, Radical of Father。
原本看上去手拿斧头的动作,现在常指对男性长辈的称呼, It looks like someone holding an axe, but now often referred to the title of a male elder。

例词 Example Words:
爸爸, bà ba, father。
爷爷, yé ye, grandfather, father’s father。
斧头, fǔ tóu, axe。

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学造句【电视】TV – Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句|学写汉字 Learn Chinese Characters

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电视 (Television 、TV)指使用电子技术传送活动的图像画面和音频信号的设备,即电视接收机,也是重要的广播和视频通信工具,最早由英国工程师约翰·洛吉·贝尔德在1925年发明。

Television (TV) refers to a device that uses electronic technology to transmit moving image pictures and audio signals, that is, a television receiver, which is also an important broadcast and video communication tool. It was first invented by British engineer John Logy Baird in 1925.

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《愚公移山》⛰️Faith Will Move Mountains 中文成语故事解析 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|免费中文课

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“The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain” is a fable essay in “Liezi”. The article narrates the story of Foolish Father, who is not afraid of hardships, perseveres, and digs the mountain, and finally moved the mountain away.

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【月字旁】Chinese Radical of Moon 与动物肉体有关 Related to Animal Flesh|学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Moon, 月字旁, yuè zì páng。
Related to animal flesh, 与动物肉体有关, yǔ dòng wù ròu tǐ yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Belly, 肚子, dù zi。
Obesity, 肥胖, féi pàng。
Muscle, 肌肉, jī ròu。
Skin, 皮肤, pí fū。
Swelling, 肿胀, zhǒng zhàng。
Legs and feet, 腿脚, tuǐ jiǎo。
Hazy, Fuzzy, 朦胧, méng lóng。

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