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【米字旁】Chinese Radical of Rice 与粮食有关的汉字 Related to Grain|学写中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Chinese

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Radical of Rice, 米字旁, mǐ zì páng。
Related to grain, 与粮食有关, yǔ liáng shí yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Grain, 粮食, liáng shí。
Stick to, 粘住, zhān zhù。
Flour, 面粉, miàn fěn。
Rice cake, 年糕, nián gāo。
Traditional Chinese rice-pudding, 粽子, zòng zi。
Rough, 粗糙, cū cāo。


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学写汉字【家畜】🐂Write “Livestock” in Chinese – 猪pig/牛cattle/羊sheep/马horse/驴donkey/兔rabbit

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Domestic animals generally refer to animals that are raised and domesticated by humans and can be artificially controlled for reproduction, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, horses, cats, dogs, camels, rabbits, etc., generally used for food, labor, fur, pets, experiments, etc. Features.

livestock , 家畜 , jiā chù 。
pig , 猪 , zhū 。
cattle , 牛 , niú 。
sheep , 羊 , yáng 。
horse , 马 , mǎ 。
donkey , 驴 , lǘ 。
rabbit , 兔 , tù 。

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《水中捞月》🌙Make Vain Efforts 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|华文故事分享

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水中捞月,汉语成语,拼音是shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè,意思是到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。出自《沁园春》。

Fishing for the moon in the water is a Chinese idiom. The pinyin is shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè, which means to fish for the moon in the water. It is a waste of energy to do things that are simply impossible. From “Qinyuanchun”.

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【方字旁】Chinese Radical of Square 和旗帜、军队有关的汉字|Learn Chinese 学写中文偏旁部首笔画

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Radical of Square, 方字旁, fāng zì páng。
Related to the flag and the army, 和旗帜、军队有关, hé qí zhì, jūn duì yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
National flag, 国旗, guó qí。
Triumph, 凯旋, kǎi xuán。
Show, 施展, shī zhǎn。
Give, 施, 旗帜飘动的样子。
Nation, 民族, mín zú。
Travel, 旅行, lǚ xíng。

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学写字【鞋子】👠Write “Shoes” in Chinese – 跑鞋running shoes/皮鞋leather shoes|零基础学中文 Survival Chinese

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Types of Shoes , 鞋子的分类 , xié zi :

running shoes , 跑鞋 , pǎo xié 。
leather shoes , 皮鞋 , pí xié 。
high heels , 高跟鞋 , gāo gēn xié 。
slippers , 拖鞋 , tuō xié 。
sandals , 凉鞋 , liáng xié 。
rain boots , 雨靴 , yǔ xuē 。
snow boots , 雪靴 , xuě xuē 。


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