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【足字旁】Chinese Radical of Leg 与腿部动作有关的汉字|中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Chinese Characters

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Radiacal of Leg, 足字旁, zú zì páng。
Related to leg movements, 与腿部动作有关, yǔ tuǐ bù dòng zuò yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Run, 跑步, pǎo bù。
High jump, 跳高, tiào gāo。
Kick, 踢腿, tī tuǐ。
Fall down, 跌倒, diē dǎo。
Road, 马路, mǎ lù。


1、趴【pā】:(1) 胸腹部向下卧倒。 (2) 身体向前倚靠 。


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汉字教学【饮料】🍹Write “Drinks” in Chinese – Fruit Juice果汁/Milk牛奶/Coke可乐/Coffee咖啡/Tea茶

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Drinks , 饮料 , yǐn liào 。
Fruit Juice , 果汁 , guǒ zhī 。
Milk , 牛奶 , niú nǎi 。
Coke , 可乐 , kě lè 。
Coffee , 咖啡 , kā fēi 。
Tea , 茶 , chá 。


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《杞人忧天》🌞Suffer From Imaginary Fears 在家学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud at Home

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杞人忧天,是汉语成语,读音是qǐ rén yōu tiān,意思是总是去忧虑那些不切实际的事物。杞人忧天是《列子·天瑞》篇中的一则寓言,后来成为一个固定成语,常用来讽刺那些不必要的担心,但也有人用其表达一种忧患意识。

To worry about the sky is a Chinese idiom with the pronunciation of qǐ rén yōu tiān, which means to always worry about those unrealistic things. Worrying about the sky is a fable in “Liezi Tianrui”, which later became a fixed idiom, often used to ridicule those unnecessary worries, but some people use it to express a sense of worry.

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【女字旁】Chinese Radical of Female 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters 学写字

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Radical of Female, 女字旁, nǚ zì páng。
Women-related titles and traits, 与女性有关称呼和特质, yǔ nǚ xìng yǒu guān chēng hu hé tè zhì。

例词 Example Words:
Mom, 妈妈, mā mā。
Sisters, 姐妹, jiě mèi。
Grandmother, 奶奶, nǎi nai。
Grandma, 外婆, wài pó。
She, 她, tā。
Women, 妇女, fù nǚ。
March 8th Women’s Day, 三八妇女节, sān bā fù nǚ jié。
Graceful, 婀娜多姿, ē nuó duō zī。
Flirtatious, 娇媚, jiāo mèi。
Entertainment, 娱乐, yú lè。

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学写汉字【家禽】🐔Write “Poultry” in Chinese – 鸡Chicken/鸭Duck/鹅Goose/火鸡Turkey/鹌鹑Quail

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Poultry , 家禽 , jiā qín 。
Chicken , 鸡 , jī 。
Duck , 鸭 , yā 。
Goose , 鹅 , é 。
Turkey , 火鸡 , huǒ jī 。
Quail , 鹌鹑 , ān chún 。


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