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《滥竽充数》🎷Make Up A Number Without Active Work 中文成语故事 Chinese Story Book|汉语课程

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滥竽充数,汉语成语,拼音是 làn yú chōng shù,比喻没有本领的人冒充有本领,占着位置,或拿次的东西混在好的里面充数。有时也用作自谦的话。

Indiscriminately, a Chinese idiom, pinyin is làn yú chōng shù, which is a metaphor for a person who has no ability to pretend to be capable, occupy a position, or mix inferior things in a good one. Sometimes it is also used as a self-humble word.

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【山字旁(头)】Chinese Radical of Mountain 学写中文偏旁部首笔画|Learn to Write Chinese Characters

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Radical of Mountain, 山字旁,山字头, shān zì páng,shān zì tóu。

例词 Example Words:
Stand straightly and mightily, 屹立, yì lì。
Standing tall and upright (like a hero), 高耸笔直地挺立(像一个英雄), gāo sǒng bǐ zhí dì tǐng lì (xiàng yī gè yīng xióng)。

cliff, 悬崖, xuán yá。
River bank, 河岸, hé àn。
peak, 巅峰, diān fēng。

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学写字【东西】Write “East West” in Chinese – [dōng xi] thing / [dōng xī] east & west – 中文速成 Mandarin Course

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☀ 东西 [dōng xī]

(东边和西边) east and west
(从东到西) from east to west:

这地方东西3公里, 南北5公里。This district is three kilometres across from east to west and five kilometres from north to south.

东西不对称性 east-west asymmetry;
东西构造带 eastwest structural zone;
东西距 {地测} easting; departure;
东西线 east-west line;
东西效应 east-west effect; asymmetric effect

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《井底之蛙》🐸Frog In A Well 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|儿童启蒙故事

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The frog at the bottom of the well is derived from a fable in “Zhuangzi · Waipian·Qiu Shui”. The idioms “frog at the bottom of the well” and “seeing the sky at the well” are both derived from this fable. They are used to metaphor and satirize the narrow-eyed and self-righteous people.

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【足字旁】Chinese Radical of Leg 与腿部动作有关的汉字|中文偏旁部首笔画 Learn Chinese Characters

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Radiacal of Leg, 足字旁, zú zì páng。
Related to leg movements, 与腿部动作有关, yǔ tuǐ bù dòng zuò yǒu guān。

例词 Example Words:
Run, 跑步, pǎo bù。
High jump, 跳高, tiào gāo。
Kick, 踢腿, tī tuǐ。
Fall down, 跌倒, diē dǎo。
Road, 马路, mǎ lù。


1、趴【pā】:(1) 胸腹部向下卧倒。 (2) 身体向前倚靠 。


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