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职场中文【跳槽 tiào cáo】Job Hopping 换工作 Changing Jobs in China 学中文 How to Write Chinese 学写汉字

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跳槽(拼音 tiào cáo),原指牲口离开所在的槽头到别的槽头去吃食。今比喻人离开原来的工作,另谋高就。

Job-hopping (pinyin: tiào cáo) originally refers to livestock leaving their trough to eat at another trough. Today, it is used to describe people leaving their original jobs to seek better opportunities.

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学中文【失业率 shī yè lǜ】Unemployment Rate 找不到工作的人占劳动人口总数的百分比 Learn Chinese

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失业率, 是指没有工作且在积极找工作的人(除了小孩,老人,不能工作者)占劳动人口总数的百分比。公式:失业率% = 失业人数 /(在业人数+失业人数)%。

Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of people who are unemployed and actively looking for work (except children, the elderly, and those who cannot work) in the total labor force. Formula: Unemployment rate% = Number of unemployed people / (number of employed people + number of unemployed people)%.

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Learn Chinese【海归 hǎi guī】留学后回国工作的人 People who studied abroad return to work in China

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海归(繁体中文:海歸;拼音:hǎi guī)是汉语俚语,指在国外留学后返回中国大陆的中国人。该词与同音词“海龟”谐音。

Haigui is a Chinese slang term for Chinese people who have returned to mainland China after studying abroad. The term is a homophone of the word “sea turtle”.

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理财术语【利息 lì xī】Interest 汉字书写 Interest Rates Hike/Cut 加息 降息/减息 Chinese Financial Terms

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Interest is the fee for using money in a certain period of time, which refers to the remuneration that the holder of money (creditor) receives from the borrower (debtor) for lending money or monetary capital. It includes deposit interest, loan interest and interest on various bonds.

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热门中文字【美国大选 měi guó dà xuǎn】US Presidential Election 美国总统选举 Learn Chinese

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美国总统选举(US presidential election),简称美国大选,是美国每四年举行一次的选举,以产生总统及副总统。赢得270张或以上选举人票的总统候选人即获得选举胜利。50个州按人口比例分配选举人票。

The US presidential election, also known as the US general election, is an election held every four years in the United States to elect the president and vice president. The presidential candidate who wins 270 or more electoral votes wins the election. The 50 states allocate electoral votes according to population proportion.

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