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自学中文的秘诀 Learn Chinese By Yourself – 20分钟提升汉语水平 Improve Mandarin in 20 Minutes

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Part I:训练听说能力 Training listening and speaking skills

1、大量看中文动画片。1. Watch a lot of Chinese cartoons.
2、每天背诵一段短文(选择适合自己水平并有中英文对照字幕的视频,先跟读再背诵)。2. Recite a short passage every day (choose a video with Chinese and English subtitles that suits your level, and read it first before recitation).
3、用在短文中学到的新单词口头造句(如果身边有说中文的朋友,可以和他们练习这些句子)。3. Orally make sentences with the new words learned in the passage (if you have friends who speak Chinese, you can practice these sentences with them).

Part II:提升读写能力 Improve Literacy

每天读一段适合自己水平的短文,可以是纸质书或电子书。Read a short passage that suits your level every day, it can be a paper book or an e-book.
1.1、有拼音的短文:可使用自制卡片先遮挡拼音。1.1. Short passage with pinyin: you can use your self-made cards to block the pinyin first.
1.2、无拼音的短文:可直接尝试朗读。1.2. Short passage without pinyin: you can try to read them directly.

理解+记忆+听写 understanding + memory + dictation
2.1、为了更好地理解生词,用光标从之前输入Google Translate的整段文字中选取生词,它就会自动显示出选定的生词的意思。In order to better understand the new words, use the cursor to select the new words from the entire text previously entered in Google Translate, and it will automatically display the meaning of the selected new words.
2.2、把生字对应的汉字、拼音和英文翻译都抄写在本子上,以便定期复习,加强记忆。也可在Google Docs上创建电子文件记录生词。2.2. Copy the Chinese characters, pinyin and English translations of the new words in the notebook for regular review and memory. You can also create an electronic file to record new words on Google Docs.
2.3、听写生词,并且把之前的生词定期复习。听写前先朗读生词制成录音,再一边播放录音,一边听写在本子上。2.3. Dictate new words and review the previous new words regularly. Before dictation, read the new words to make a recording, and then play the recording while dictating in the notebook.

每天用当天学到的关键词写一句句子,每周挑选自己感兴趣的主题自己写一篇短文。Write a sentence every day using the keywords you learned that day, and write a short article by yourself every week on topics that interest you.
3.1、选择部分当天的关键词或生词进行造句,并写在练习本上。把自己造的句子读入Google Translate进行核对。3.1. Select some keywords or new words of the day to make a sentence and write it in the exercise book. Read your own sentence into Google Translate for verification.
3.2、挑选自己感兴趣的主题自己写一篇短文,短文中需要使用这个星期内学过的部分生词。3.2. Choose a topic you are interested in and write an article by yourself. The article needs to use some of the new words learned this week.
3.3、写作注意事项:使用恰当的连接词,多使用复句句型,注重同义词语表达的多样性,正确使用标点符号。3.3. Notes for writing: Use appropriate conjunctions, use more complex sentences, pay attention to the diversity of synonym expressions, and use punctuation correctly.

小贴士 #1:如何自己检查朗读的准确性 Tip #1: How to check the accuracy of reading by yourself
A、有拼音的短文的检查方法:你可以移开自制卡片读拼音,用语音输入法把整段文字读入Google Translate,并检查翻译出来的中英文对照。How to check the short passage with pinyin: You can remove the self-made card to read pinyin, use the voice input method to read the entire passage into Google Translate, and check the translated Chinese and English.
B、无拼音的短文的检查方法:你可以使用以下方法之一把短文输入Google Translate(拍照导入,截屏导入,复制粘贴),并检查翻译出来的中英文对照。How to check the short passage without pinyin: You can choose one of the following methods to input the passage to Google Translate (photo import, screenshot import, copy and paste), and check the translated Chinese and English.

小贴士 #2:如何巧用Google Translate学中文 Tip #2: How to use Google Translate to learn Chinese
A、三种输入方法:a. 电子书用复制粘贴文字或截屏输入;b. 无拼音的纸质书用拍照导入图片;c. 有拼音的短文用朗读输入或拼音输入法打字输入。Three Input methods:a. copy and paste text or screenshot input for e-books;b. import pictures for paper books without pinyin;c. input short texts with pinyin by reading or typing by pinyin input method.
B、三种输出方法:a. 根据拼音自己朗读;b. 看英文文字解释;c. 让Google Translate机器人朗读。Three Output method:a. read aloud according to pinyin;b. read English text explanation;c. let Google Translate robot read it.

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