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中文缩略语【开学 kāi xué】Back to School 开始新的学期 Chinese Abbreviations 教汉字 学汉语

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The Chinese meaning of “start of school” is “opening a school”, “starting scholars”, and “start of the semester”. However, the term “start of the semester” is more commonly used in daily life. In modern Chinese, the start of school usually refers to students returning to school to continue their studies after a holiday break. Depending on the country and the school system, there are 2-4 start days each year, and a ceremony is usually held on the start day of a new school year.

【出处】:《东观汉记·张酺传》:“永平九年,诏为四姓小侯开学,置五经师。” 唐元稹《献荥阳公诗五十韵》:“ 郑驿骑翩翩, 丘门子弟贤。文翁开学日, 正礼骋途年。”



[Source]: “Dongguan Hanji·Zhang Poetry”: “In the ninth year of Yongping, the emperor ordered the opening of schools for the four surnames and set up teachers of the Five Classics.” “Fifty Rhymes of Poems Presented to the Duke of Xingyang” by Yuan Zhen of the Tang Dynasty: “The Zheng post riders are graceful, and the children of Qiumen are virtuous. Wen Weng opened the school on the day of the ceremony and rode on the road.”

Start of school syndrome

At the beginning of the school after the holiday, primary and secondary school students show a non-organic pathological manifestation of not adapting to the study life of the new semester. Psychologists call it “start of school syndrome”, also known as “start of school phobia”.
There are many manifestations of “back-to-school syndrome”. Physiologically, it is mostly manifested as: insomnia, drowsiness, and some unexplained dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, incontinence, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc.; psychologically, it is mostly manifested as: memory loss, decreased comprehension, aversion to learning, anxiety, distraction in class, emotional instability, etc.
Psychologists believe that these manifestations are all subconscious psychological defense mechanisms of people, which convert some negative emotions that are unwilling to face, disagree, suppressed, and unpleasant into some physical symptoms. After a period of time, the symptoms will improve.

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