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《井底之蛙》🐸Frog In A Well 学读中文成语故事书 Chinese Story Book Read Aloud|儿童启蒙故事

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The frog at the bottom of the well is derived from a fable in “Zhuangzi · Waipian·Qiu Shui”. The idioms “frog at the bottom of the well” and “seeing the sky at the well” are both derived from this fable. They are used to metaphor and satirize the narrow-eyed and self-righteous people.




There is a frog who lives in a dry well for many years. It is extremely satisfied with the little world of its own life, and will brag about it in public whenever it has the opportunity. One day, it was full of food, squatting on the well fence and being bored, suddenly saw a large turtle walking not far away. The frog hurriedly opened his voice and shouted: “Hey, Brother Haiyue, please come, please come!” Haiyue climbed to the dry well. The frog immediately opened the chatterbox: “You are lucky today. I let you open your eyes and take a tour of my bedroom. It is simply a paradise. You probably have never seen such a spacious residence before?”

The sea turtle probe looked into the well, only to see a muddy water covered with green moss on the shallow bottom of the well, and it smelled a pungent odor. The sea turtle frowned and quickly retracted his head. The frog did not pay attention to the sea turtle’s expression, and continued to brag, “I live here, I am very comfortable! In the evening, I can jump on the well rail to enjoy the cool; late at night I can go to sleep in the hole on the wall of the well; soak in the water. Let the water soak the armpits, hold the cheeks, you can swim; jump into the mud, let the mud cover the insteps, bury the four feet, and you can roll. Those little bugs, crabs, tadpoles, etc., which one can compare to me Yeah!” The frog spits and stars all around, and the more he speaks, the more proud he is: “Look, this pit of water and this well are all owned by me. I just do what I like. This kind of fun can be counted as the highest. . Brother Haibie, don’t you want to go sightseeing?”

Feeling the hospitality, the sea turtle crawled towards the well, but before the left leg could fully extend in, the knee of the right leg was stuck by the well rail. The sea turtle slowly backed away and asked the frog: “Have you heard of the sea?” The frog shook his head. The sea turtle said: “The sea and the sky are boundless. The vastness of the sea cannot be described by thousands of miles, and the depth cannot be expressed by the thousands of meters. Legend has it that more than four thousand years ago, when Dayu was the monarch, there were nine years of waterlogging and no sea water. More than three thousand years ago, in the era of Shangtang rule, eight years and seven droughts, the sea water did not decrease. The sea is so big that even the length of time and the changes in drought and flood cannot make its water volume change significantly. Frogs. Brother, I live in the sea. You see, compared to your dry well and shallow pit, which world is more open and which is more fun?” The frog was silly, his eyes bulging, and his mouth closed for a long time. .

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