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✍如何写好汉字 Chinese Handwriting for Beginners|学写中文字的步骤和方法 How to Write Chinese Characters

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1. The attitude should be correct. Some people don’t pay attention to handwriting. They think that it doesn’t matter if the handwriting is good or not. As long as the answer is correct, the exam will get full marks. In fact, it is not. Writing well will benefit you for life.

2. The posture of writing should be correct. If the posture is not correct, the written words will not be correct; the eyes are too close to the workbook, which is easy to cause myopia;

3. To practice diligently, only through diligent practice.

You must first choose your ideal copybook, and consider whether it is similar to the font you wrote. After you have selected it, read it several times and analyze the main points of the font and the rules of its structure. This is called “meaning the character first”, and then use transparent white paper to trace first, then copy, and memorize the key parts of each character.

The specific steps are described as follows: writing posture and writing

(1) Sit upright, with flat shoulders and straight back. The body and head should not be tilted, let alone lowered; the eyes should be about one foot away from the table, and the front chest should be about three inches away from the edge of the table.

(2) The pen should be straight, the tip of the pen should be straight forward, and should not be inclined inward, (as long as the palm is flat, the tip of the pen will naturally move forward); the tip of the index finger is about an inch away from the tip of the pen. If you hold the pen incorrectly or the tip of the pen is slanted inward, you will not be able to write well in the stroke, horizontal or hook, and you will have to move your right hand for every stroke. At the same time, the lines written have no backbone and no rhythm, and the fonts cannot be stretched and generous.

(3) The inclination of the pen holder. When writing large characters, take the pen upwards. The pen holder should have a slightly larger inclination. When writing small characters, the pen holder should be slightly inclined. The general slope should be inclined at the index finger joint, beyond this part, the strokes written are either rigid or rigid. The inclination of the pen barrel is not appropriate, the speed of the pen is limited, and it is impossible to write a graceful and graceful glyph, so the “tiger’s mouth” should not be inclined.

(4) The pen should be held lightly, so that the pen can be used freely; if the pen is too tight, the words written cannot be broad and generous. According to what I have seen in middle school lectures, in a class of fifty students, forty-five people hold their pens incorrectly or their nibs are inclined inward. This is also the case in universities. Like the hook, the stroke is not like the stroke, the strokes are all flat and dragged. As I said before, the quality of writing is absolutely related to posture and writing. Just like woodworking sawing wood, if the posture and holding the saw are not correct, no matter how straight the “line” is drawn, you will have to saw it crooked. It’s the same thing as writing well.

4. How should the steps of learning calligraphy be arranged?

Answer: Start with the basic strokes of regular script, namely point, horizontal, vertical, scribbling, pressing, lifting, hooking and folding. A character is like a machine. If you practice the basic strokes well, it is equivalent to processing the “parts”. If you practice the radicals, it is like starting to “assemble”. That is to say, learn “decomposition” first, and then learn “coherence”. Therefore, regular script is the foundation, and basic strokes are the foundation of the foundation.

When practicing and writing basic strokes, they should be classified into practice. For example, when practicing writing “,”, you should practice ,, 丿, ,, 丨 etc. separately, and then write “coherence” to combine.

General rules: practice regular script first practice basic strokes; then practice stroke sequence; third practice radicals; fourth practice character structure; fifth practice branch layout. The “point” of Chinese characters should be emphasized when drawing and writing, like a stone falling to the ground.

What kind of parts need what kind of points, to achieve “intent to the pen first”. For example, the writing style of Zhong Shaojing and Ouyang Xun on the top of “宀” is more powerful in short vertical writing.

5. Learning to calligraphy must first practice regular script. Everyone knows that when a child begins to walk, he must first learn to stand, and then he can learn to walk. This is the same as the trilogy of calligraphy, first practice Kai; then practice Xing; three practice cursive.

The calligraphers of all dynasties unanimously advocated that only by practicing regular script well, the foundation is solid, and then writing line and cursive will be easy. Only by practicing regular script well and writing the characters can the pen not slip and the body not fall apart.

If you want to write every word well: the first thing is to master the power of the strokes, which means that the strokes that should be used with force should be used hard; For example, when writing words such as country, red, true, steel, etc., the severity can be clearly distinguished, which will give people a sense of beauty.

Generally speaking, strokes such as “、、一、丨、、(溺)” should be used with force, and others are slightly lighter. But not all strokes in a word can be used with force.

For example, the scribbling paintings that write the words “people, great, and heaven” should be light, and the strokes should be heavier. On the contrary, it is okay to write down the painting as heavier, and write as light in the drawing, but in short, it is not possible to use equal force.

6. The basic strokes are easy to practice, and the inter-frame structure seems difficult to say, but in fact, as long as you find the right way, it is very easy. For example, after you have practiced the basic strokes first, you will have the basic skills.

The said method is accurate, the way is right, it refers to the structure of distinguishing whether it is a single character or a combined character. If it is a single character, it is necessary to grasp the center and center of gravity of the character.

For example, the characters “up, down, thousand, ten” are all single characters, so it is necessary to grasp the center of gravity: the horizontal painting is slightly longer, the vertical painting is slightly shorter, and the vertical painting must be centered and down (regular script). If it is a combined character, it is necessary to distinguish whether it is a left-right structure; or an upper-lower structure; whether it is a left-middle-right structure, or an upper-middle-bottom structure, a half-package structure or a full-package structure.

Understand these six differences, and then grasp them according to the definition of words and the rules of organization. In this way, a perfect and beautiful font can be written.

For example: “good” and “ma” belong to the left and right structure; “fortunate” and “su” belong to the upper and lower structure; “chang” and “zhang” belong to the upper, middle and lower structure; Definition is easy. For example: the two characters of luck and prime are vertical, pay attention to the center alignment; the two characters of Changzhang have a long body posture, do not write too long, and a little tighter; the two characters of good mother are a left and right structure, the left side is slightly smaller, and the right side is slightly larger. , as long as you master the density properly, and the unevenness is orderly, won’t it look good? On the contrary, if the font is not divided, the density is improper, one is wide and the other is narrow, and the lines are heavy and heavy, it will be ugly.

7. If you want to write well with pen, you must first practice calligraphy with brush: because the structure and rules of Chinese characters are exactly the same, just the size of the font and the writing tools and techniques are different, either of the two will do. Inheriting and copying the works of the ancients, we should strive to be similar in appearance and spirit, but we must not lose our personal style.

Some people are too mystical about how to write well, while others say it’s innate. . . . In fact, it doesn’t take ten or twenty years to write with a brush or with a pen. As long as the copybook is selected, the method is right, and you are determined, you can achieve results in less than a year.

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