Wage arrears, also known as “wage arrears”, refers to the employer’s behavior of violating legal regulations and paying wages beyond the time agreed between the employer and the employee.
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职位描述又叫职位界定,对经过职位分析得到的关于某一特定职位的职责和工作内容进行的一种书面记录其成果叫工作说明书(job description),日文中工作描述就是给工作画像,是把工作所具有的一些特征用白描的手法写下来。
Job description is also called job definition. It is a written record of the responsibilities and work content of a specific position obtained through job analysis. The result is called job description. In Japanese, job description is a portrait of the job. Write down some characteristics of the work using line drawing.
招聘会一般分为现场招聘会和网络招聘会,日常中所讲的招聘会通常指的就是现场招聘会。 招聘会分行业专场和综合两种,参加招聘会前先要了解招聘会的行业和性质,以免和自己要找的岗位不对口浪费时间。
Job fairs are generally divided into on-site job fairs and online job fairs. The job fairs mentioned in daily life usually refer to on-site job fairs. Job fairs are divided into industry-specific and comprehensive ones. Before attending the job fair, you must first understand the industry and nature of the job fair, so as not to waste time if it is not suitable for the position you are looking for.
升职加薪 (shēng zhí jiā xīn) 是人力资源学科名词,该词指的是职位晋升薪水水平提高。
Promotion and salary increase (shēng zhí jiā xīn) is a term in the human resources discipline, which refers to an increase in salary level as a result of job promotion.
[Promotion] refers to the process of employees moving to a job that is more challenging, requires greater responsibilities, and has more authority than the previous job. The professional term for promotion in the workplace is promotion.
[Salary increase] refers to an increase in salary.