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学写汉字【电脑】Write “Computer” in Chinese – 台式机Desktop/笔记本电脑Laptop/平板电脑Tablet

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电脑 , diàn nǎo , computer
台式机 , tái shì jī , desktop
笔记本电脑 , bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo , laptop
平板电脑 , píng bǎn diàn nǎo , tablet

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中文造句【打电话】Call – Make Sentences in Chinese 中英对照例句分析|How to Write Chinese Characters

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打电话 , dǎ diàn huà , Make a call
你为什么没给我打电话? , nǐ wèi shé me méi gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà? , Why didn’t you call me?

双语例句 Bilingual Example Sentences


If you get into any dodgy situations, call me.


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汉语造句【出租车】Taxi in Chinese 各地方言大汇总|台湾 “计程车”|上海 “差头”|港澳地区“的士”

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出租车,供人临时雇佣的汽车,多按里程或时间收费。台湾称作“计程车”,湖南、广东及港澳地区称为“的士”,新加坡及马来西亚一带则称为“德士”,上海称作“差头(cā dou)”出租车英文“taxi”为“taximeter”之略称,即为“计程表”或 “里程计”。

Taxis, cars for temporary employment, are often charged according to mileage or time. Taiwan is called “taxi”, Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau are called “taxi”, Singapore and Malaysia are called “taxi”, and Shanghai is called “cā dǒu” taxi. English “taxi” is The abbreviation for “taximeter” means “taximeter” or “odometer”.

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学造句【不客气】You’re Welcome|Make Sentences in Chinese 如何提高中文遣词造句的能力

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不客气 , bú kè qi , you’re welcome, impolite, be rude to

例句 Example Sentences:
谢谢你!不客气。 , xiè xiè nǐ ! bú kè qi. , Thank you! You’re welcome.
你再这样,我就不客气了。 , nǐ zài zhè yàng, wǒ jiù bú kè qi le. , If you do this again, I won’t be so easy on you.

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学造句【菜】Dish|Make Sentences in Chinese 如何用中文词汇造句|中文流行语 Chinese Buzzwords

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菜 , cài , vegetable, dish

例句 Example Sentences:
多吃蔬菜,有益健康。 , duō chī shū cài yǒu yì jiàn kāng , Eating more vegetables is beneficial to health.
这家餐馆有什么招牌菜? , zhè jiā cān guǎn yǒu shé me zhāo pái cài? , What are the signature dishes of this restaurant?
她不是我的菜。 , tā bù shì wǒ de cài. , She is not the kind of girls I would love.
他唱歌水平很菜。 , tā chàng gē shuǐ píng hěn cài. , He is not good at singing at all.

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