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中文写字【破产 pò chǎn】Bankruptcy 没钱还债/资不抵债 How to Write Chinese 经济学术语 Learn Chinese 汉语进阶学习

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Bankruptcy refers to a legal system in which the creditor or debtor petitions the court to declare bankruptcy and repays debts in accordance with bankruptcy procedures when the debtor is unable to repay debts or is insolvent. In most cases, bankruptcy refers to a corporate and economic behavior. People sometimes also refer to the cessation of business operations of an individual or company as bankruptcy.

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学写汉字【暴涨暴跌 bào zhǎng bào diē】Soaring & Plummeting 快速大幅上涨/下跌 How to Write Chinese

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A sharp rise refers to a situation in which the price index of the securities market or the contract price of the futures market rises extremely rapidly in a short period of time. On the contrary, a sharp drop will cause a stock market crash, which refers to a sharp drop in the prices of most stocks in the stock market without warning.

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学中文【通胀通缩 tōng zhàng tōng suō】Inflation vs Deflation 通货膨胀/紧缩 Learn Chinese 整体物价水平上涨/下跌

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Inflation generally refers to: under the condition of paper currency circulation, the currency supply is greater than the actual demand for currency, that is, the actual purchasing power is greater than the output supply, resulting in currency depreciation, which causes the phenomenon of continuous and general price increases over a period of time.

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Learn Chinese【炒作 chǎo zuò】Hype 反复夸大宣传 Repeatedly Exaggerate 不切实际的宣传

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Hype refers to unconventional means of publicity. (1) It refers to repeatedly exaggerating and unrealistic publicity with the help of the media to expand the influence; such as: news hype. (2) It refers to frequent buying and selling to create momentum in order to make a profit. For example: After repeated hype, the stock price soared.

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中文简体字【潜规则 qián guī zé】Unspoken Rules 不明说但都知道的规矩 Chinese Handwriting 汉字书写

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潜规则是指看不见的、明文没有规定的,约定俗成的,无局限性,却又是广泛认同、实际起作用的,人们必须“遵循”的一种规则,相对于“元规则” 、“明规则”而言的。

Implicit rules refer to invisible, unwritten, customary, unlimited, but widely recognized and effective rules that people must “follow”, as opposed to “meta-rules” and “explicit rules”.

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