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学写汉字【暴涨暴跌 bào zhǎng bào diē】Soaring & Plummeting 快速大幅上涨/下跌 How to Write Chinese

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A sharp rise refers to a situation in which the price index of the securities market or the contract price of the futures market rises extremely rapidly in a short period of time. On the contrary, a sharp drop will cause a stock market crash, which refers to a sharp drop in the prices of most stocks in the stock market without warning.





A sharp rise will cause two opposite consequences, namely, on the one hand, it will cause huge losses to the shorts in the market, and on the other hand, it will make a lot of profits for the longs in the market.

A sharp rise often occurs when there is a significant change in the power comparison between the long and short sides in the market. The power comparison between the long and short sides mainly depends on the financial strength of the long and short sides and the positive and negative fundamentals and technical aspects of the market. Therefore, a sharp rise is generally caused by the fact that the financial strength of the long side is far greater than that of the short side, or because there is a significant positive situation in the fundamentals and technical aspects.

A sharp rise is often manifested as a large rebound or reversal in the market trend. The market may turn from a bear market to a bull market, but there are also many sharp rises caused by the behavior of institutional big players manipulating the market, with the purpose of raising the price to ship and obtain huge profits. This behavior is very risky. After a surge, there will be a plunge, which is not conducive to the stability and development of the market. Market managers must strictly stop such excessive speculation and illegal market manipulation.

Stock market crashes are usually the result of economic bubbles caused by speculation. In many cases, they have nothing to do with the real economy, but are social phenomena caused by herd mentality; because the price-earnings ratio is higher than the reasonable level, the selling behavior of a few people or negative news causes other investors to panic sell. Generally speaking, there is no strict definition of a stock market crash, which usually refers to a double-digit percentage drop in one or several days.

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